Sentences with phrase «measure of accountability»

The proposal also would add more measures of accountability for schools in which more than 85 percent of students are paying with vouchers.
It further argues for multiple measures of accountability to ensure that students, especially minority and high need students are prepared for college.
Likewise, employees should feel good about taking ownership, which introduces an added measure of accountability and demonstrates the level of trust you have in them.
It also seeks institutional reform and new measures of accountability to ensure the safety and protection of other young athletes.
The state also performs well on measures of accountability.
They are subject to the same measures of accountability and standards as traditional public schools, as well as the collective bargaining agreements made with teachers unions.
Many recent federal and state regulations have called for single - event measures of accountability — tests — in the apparent belief that these assessments generate improved learning.
It's vital for us to know where we stand compared to school, district, state and national measures of accountability.
The bill was an «opportunity to get beyond the simple test score debate and to develop meaningful teacher assessments based on multiple measures of accountability,» he said in a statement.
Christina Brey, spokeswoman for the Wisconsin Education Association Council, said the bill lacks measures of accountability and does not specify where funding will come from.
«By requiring these additional measures of accountability, the State has signaled a stronger commitment to protecting its own fiscal interest in a time of economic uncertainty.
We view existing best practices as a promising starting point and we are committed to helping the field move above and beyond the current focus on increased quality improvement, enhanced staff development, appropriate measures of accountability, and expanded funding to serve more children and families.
The Atlantic and other news outlets have been quick to call this an example of «Campbell's Law,» the theory that any quantitative measure of accountability will quickly be corrupted by manipulation or outright cheating.
From a policy standpoint, the adoption of SEL standards, funding for teacher professional development, and the incorporation of school climate into measures of accountability are all potential levers (among many) to support empowerment efforts.
Many teachers have spoken about the usefulness of these meetings for providing advice about how they might move forward when they are «stuck,» but they also create a strong measure of accountability for teachers to actually implement their plans.
The Senate Education Committee on Wednesday unanimously recommended SB235, which attempts to bring a greater measure of accountability despite the controversy surrounding Utah's school grading system.
For years, this provision dangled threats of punitive measures, including closure, over struggling schools if they didn't meet narrow federally mandated test - based measures of accountability.
«Public charter schools in New Jersey are subjected to high standards for performance and operations, and a school closure represents the ultimate measure of accountability.
«Unfortunately, this morning the Senate Education and Youth Committee passed a gutted bill that would actually furnish less equitable funding to our public charter schools and imposes unreasonable measures of accountability,» said Tony Roberts, president and CEO of the Georgia Charter Schools Association.
«The biggest measure of accountability is that parents have a meaningful choice,» Perez said.
Book clubs give people some small measure of accountability, knowing that they need to finish the title to stay on task with the group; book clubs also help readers feel like they're reading the «right» books and participating in the broader global culture around «in the know» titles.
While there are many roles and occupations that work on behalf of children birth to age 8 in the early childhood education field, Power to the Profession will first define the unique responsibilities of early childhood educators and then establish measures of accountability for those responsibilities.
Accountability: Proponents of high school reform are calling for new measures of accountability that broaden assessments to reflect new styles of teaching and learning, reward and acknowledge schools that are building a strong foundation of skills, and support schools with nontraditional models, such as those that allow students up to six years to complete high school.
The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) presents states with an opportunity to broaden their visions of college and career readiness by including multiple measures of accountability that better recognize the multiple pathways to college and career readiness.
As an added measure of accountability, the law stipulates the IRS must present two reports to Congress detailing the effectiveness of the program.»
For any other leader with a measure of accountability, humility, and a conscience, growing and learning new skills to overcome blind spots that are a detriment to the company's success is par for the course.
In the wake of police killings in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland, the Justice Department under Barack Obama investigated specific police departments as a measure of accountability.
I do think some measure of accountability is an issue.
Colorado has implemented 15 Quality Standards for Online Programs which are used as a measure of accountability.
«These efforts, as well as many others, were focused on teachers and classrooms, rather than measures of accountability
We developed a research - based model that is practical, easy to implement, timely and works for all schools and includes a measure of accountability and recognition for model - level implementation, The PBIS Champion Model System.
Kishimoto said testing «provides information on academic progress» and «aggregated results inform educators and policymakers by providing a measure of accountability of the public education system.»
And are we meeting the unique learning needs of all of our students according to these measures of accountability?
The imposition of services deceptively provided to improve the quality of life of Black families only to lack any measures of accountability and do more harm than good — the payday loans, the ITT Tech's, the neighborhood improvement projects that only lead to gentrification and push the Black residents out.
White parents from well - funded and highly performing areas are participating in petulant, poorly conceived protests that are ultimately affecting inner - city blacks at schools that need the funding and measures of accountability to ensure any hope of progress in performance.
Fortunately, the majority of teachers are doing an exemplary job and really have no problem with professional standards and some measure of accountability done properly.
Advances Learning First Alliance position on the federal role in education that promotes multiple measures of accountability.
Students find particular investment in evaluation when they can see tangible outcomes, and have some measure of accountability from the systems, educators, or situations they are evaluating.
I do think it's important for there to be some measure of accountability.
My concern, as we are ramping up our financial aid program, is keeping a close eye on our default rates, as one of our measures of accountability.
While criminal penalties for child abuse provide some measure of accountability against the perpetrator, they do not compensate the victim for the horrific injuries and harm they have endured.
Games can be used not only to motivate desired behaviors for increased productivity, but it may also be used to bridge the generational gap by incorporating friendly competition, positive peer pressure, and an added measure of accountability.
This creates a measure of accountability for your hiring teams.
It holds you to a measure of accountability.
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