Sentences with phrase «measure of acidity»

pH - pH is a dimensionless measure of the acidity of water (or any solution) given by its concentration of hydrogen ions (H +).
All kind of liquids have a measure of acidity and it is determined on the pH scale.
For some time now, scientists have known that climate influences soil chemistry — and, in particular, soil pH, a measure of acidity or alkalinity.
Colas, with their low pH (a measure of acidity), also have the potential to erode tooth enamel.
Having the correct pH (pH is a measure of acidity and alkalinity like Celsius and Fahrenheit are a measure of temperature) in our bodies is crucial to strong health because our cells, hormones, mitochondria and just about everything in our bodies work much more efficiently in the right conditions
One of the most effective ways to determine appropriate balance levels in the body is to measure its pH. The pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity in the body and is rated on a scale of 0 - 14; the lower the reading, the more acidic the internal environment and the higher the reading, the more alkaline the environment.
In chemistry, pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution.
pH pH is a measure of the acidity in the mouth.
She applied the bacteria and checked salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and the pH balance, a measure of acidity and alkalinity.
When choosing a shampoo, ensure it is a shampoo formulated for dogs as human shampoos can dry out your dog's coat due to the different pH levels (measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the products).
The pH (measure of acidity) will be checked and levels of protein and toxins will be verified.
The proteins function at a pH (a measure of acidity and alkalinity) of about 8.5 to 7, and «that environment, to them, is still perfectly fine,» Falkowski says.
Now scientists are setting up to learn more about how our oceans are reacting to the 30 % increase in pH (the measure of acidity) that has already occurred, and what might happen if the trends continue.
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