Sentences with phrase «measure of how»

The SGP is a measure of how a teacher's students have grown on the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJ ASK) in comparison to those statewide who are most like them academically.
Starting in the fall, teachers in D.C.'s traditional public schools will face another measure of how good they are at their job — and it will come from their students.
Performance on standardized tests can still be an important measure of how well students are able to acquire and recall information.
In addition, there is no clear measure of how well we are engaging and retaining young people once they are in college.
If turnover of teachers and principals is any measure of how well the district attracts talent, the numbers are not comforting.
Performance of students in prekindergarten through grade 12 who are assigned to in - field program completers aggregated by student subgroups, as defined in the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), 20 U.S.C. s. 6311 (b)(2)(C)(v)(II), as a measure of how well the program prepares teachers to work with a variety of students in Florida public schools.
In 2013, BART's composite performance index (a measure of how all students are progressing in the school) in both English and math was higher than the state's: in aggregate, for special education students and for low - income students.
Students receive scores on the FCAT ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), with the thresholds for each performance level designed to correspond with the letter grades A through F. Thus results from the FCAT are ideal for developing a measure of how generous individual teachers» grading policies are.
SGP is a measure of how much a student improves his or her state test performance from one year to the next compared to students across the state with a similar score history.
It was primarily about blended learning and how blended learning, especially its online component, can destroy the notion of seat - time as a measure of how we move kids through school by giving students the power to progress at their own rate.
California will continue to land at the very bottom of every measure of how well we're preparing our students for the future — graduation rates, social and emotional wellbeing, math and reading achievement — unless we make serious changes to ensure every student has a great teacher, in every subject, every year.
We divided the amount of time spent listening to lecture - style presentations by the total amount of time spent on each of these three activities to generate a single measure of how much time the teacher devoted to lecturing relative to how much time was devoted to problem - solving activities.
We developed a measure of how unusual the fluctuations in test scores are by ranking each classroom's average test - score gains against all other classrooms in that same subject, grade, and year.
Comparing the performance of schools that were threatened with vouchers and the performance of those that faced no such threat gives a measure of how public schools respond to competition.
With a normal distribution of performance (the classic bell curve), a standard deviation is simply a more precise measure of how spread out the distribution is.
This is certainly true of the accountability movement in California, which has a tortured history of reform and retrenchment that for years left the state with no real measure of how its students were performing.
They divide the amount of time spent listening to lecture - style presentations by the total amount of time spent on each of these three activities to generate a single measure of how much time the teacher devoted to lecturing relative to how much time was devoted to problem - solving activities.
The SAT is valuable for two main reasons: 1) It provides colleges with a common standard against which to evaluate students who attend high schools with varying grading policies and levels of rigor, and 2) it partially predicts students» grades during their freshman year of college, a measure of how prepared they are for higher education.
Georgia's fourth - grade reading proficiency rate dropped from close to 100 percent in 2013 to less than 40 percent in 2015 — not because the kids were doing worse, but because the state's measure of how they were doing was getting closer to the truth.
Again, a lesson from baseball: Perkins knew the concept of batting average, then he discovered the concept of «runs created,» a measure of how many runs a batter generates for each time at bat (on average)-- an index more important than just getting hits.
It is also useful to consider how students» rankings within their peer groups differ by treatment status, as this provides a direct measure of how a student may perceive his position in the overall distribution of student ability.
Budget shocks are measured by changes in overall state funding for higher education, interacted with a measure of how much each institution generally depends upon such funding for its own budget.
[5] By interacting changes in overall state funding with a measure of how much individual institutions generally depend on such funds, the authors are leveraging the fact that even within a given state and year, some institutions are hit much harder by such shocks than others.
That a movie career can still be made out of meek sweetness is a measure of how little progress we have made.
(This calls back to John Lennon's «Oh Yoko» on the jukebox soundtrack of Rushmore, a measure of how Anderson's universe constantly folds in on itself.)
Frame - rate is a measure of how many times the image is refreshed per second.
I would be surprised if this had less exploration than Galaxy and whether you get to explore with or without a time limit is not a measure of how good a game is either, if anything it adds challenge to the aspect of exploration.
The first press screening was greeted with cheers and boos, a measure of how divisive this is playing out among critics, and a bad sign for its commercial potential in America.
Each brings a certain amount of special knowledge and a certain number of sacred childhood objects to the process, and the extraordinary care with which they negotiate these transfers of information is a measure of how much they care.
Halo either deserves a» 10» or a» 0»:» 10» if you base the score on sales; the game's capacity in attracting new gamers to this form of electronic entertainment; on the measure of how much of a camoufalging influence «hype» can have on the actual quality of a product; and on the potential for single game to save a video game console.
Waiting times in accident and emergency (A&E) departments are a key measure of how the NHS is performing.
The glycemic index (GI) is an easy - to - understand measure of how food affects blood glucose levels and has revolutionised the way we eat.
Those first few moments of wakefulness, before your mind fully kicks into gear, are a better measure of how your body is feeling.
The glycemic index provides a measure of how quickly blood sugar levels rise after eating a particular type of food.
Let's begin with some chemistry... pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline something is.
This is a measure of how quickly a carbohydrate is digested.
The glycemic index — a measure of how fast carbohydrates are turned into sugar — offers an answer (see «How the glycemic index works»).
A calorie is an absolute measure of how much heat energy a foodstuff, or anything else for that matter, actually contains.
This is actually a measure of how quickly different types of food can increase your sugar level.
Also, the speed or rate of symptomatic relief is a measure of how well a probiotic is working.
This can give us a baseline measure of how well the body is compensating to control blood glucose.
The problem is that potatoes have a high glycemic index, a measure of how quickly carbohydrates are absorbed into the bloodstream.
It has been noted that with a 10 % increase in skeletal muscle index (a measure of how much muscle is on the body), HOMA - IR (a measure of insulin resistance) saw a relative reduction of 11 %.
The glycemic index of a food is the measure of how likely it is to raise your blood glucose levels.
Cardiorespiratory fitness is a measure of how well your body is able to transport oxygen to your muscles during prolonged exercise, and also of how well your muscles are able to absorb and use the oxygen, once it has been delivered, to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy via cellular respiration (cellular respiration is a chemical process in your body's cells that converts the energy stored in the food you eat into the ATP form of energy that is recruited for use by your muscles).
The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels.
Some popular diets focus on the glycemic index, a measure of how quickly the carbohydrates in a given food raise blood sugar levels.
They examined key health indicators including cardiorespiratory fitness and insulin sensitivity (a measure of how the body regulates blood sugar).
* pH is a measure of how acidic / basic water is.
The «glycemic index» is a measure of how a given food affects blood - glucose levels, with each food being assigned a numbered rating.
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