Sentences with phrase «measure of last resort»

Indeed, the approach in regulatory matters has been that jail sentences were to be a sentencing measure of last resort imposed with restraint by the courts.
Yet, more and more research studies based on past events acknowledge dykes heightening as measures of last resort or even examples of maladaptation (Hallegatte 2009; Zurich 2014; Wenger 2015), as they give a misleading impression of complete safety which is at odds with the catastrophic consequences in case of failure during flood events (e.g., Di Baldassarre et al. 2015).
This may confirm a major shift in the approach to sentencing in regulatory offences (including OH&S), where, traditionally, monetary penalties were commonly imposed and jail sentences were rare and imposed only as a sentencing measure of last resort.
If hiring a non-resident is meant to be a measure of last resort, it should be priced that way: the U.S. charges up to $ 2,325 per application.
«Those are measures of last resort,» he warns.
Still reeling from the effects of the 2008 recession, suburban governments across Greater New York and in New Jersey are closing big budget deficits with a measure of last resort: public - sector layoffs.
The report says the panel has not yet had time to work out why the blowout preventer, a giant valve on the seafloor which should have stopped the flow of oil as a measure of last resort, failed to activate.
When it comes to saving the seas, of course, the kind of technological fixes suggested here would be measures of last resort.
Effective psychiatric medications were not yet available, and lobotomy became a measure of last resort.
There were times when I had to participate in getting people into four - point restraints — a measure of last resort that was only used when a person was so violent, and so unable to be rational, that we had to do it to protect him from himself.
«But these are the measures of last resort — and I believe every school must be absolutely clear on the rare circumstances when this would happen — and when it wouldn't.
And using punishment as a measure of last resort of the so when things go wrong or starting to wrong in the classroom, the teachers can intervene in very positive and reinforcing ways with the students.
That is driving, you know — pushing back on that kind of resistance and getting us back to the common sense, let's use suspension as a measure of last resort.
One can reasonably infer that, like non - charter schools, there are likely many effective charter schools that reserve suspension as a measure of last resort.
Revise codes of conduct and other disciplinary practices to reduce the use of removal from the classroom, except as a measure of last resort, and provide safeguards to ensure that implementation of such changes don't implicate safety;
Bankruptcy is a measure of last resort for the overindebted consumer, presumably offering a fresh financial start... read more»
The mortgagee letter clearly states that foreclosing reverse mortgage loans for delinquent taxes, property charges, and insurance is a measure of last resort.
The Credit Counseling Foundation helps borrowers avoid having to apply for a debt consolidation loan that does not address the root of the problem or to file for bankruptcy, a measure of last resort.
This measure of last resort meant the kingdom was saved but uninhabitable, and any veteran Zelda player would presume the endgame to involve raising it from its watery tomb.
«That's an indication that judges are using the right factors as outlined in the Youth Criminal Justice Act for when detention can be used — as a measure of last resort, so it should be that there is a small discrepancy.»
Ontario's move to cut the number of consecutive days an inmate can spend in segregation in half and to use solitary confinement as a «measure of last resort»... Read more
It is also well established that the use of a s 4 declaration of incompatibility is very much a measure of last resort, to be used only where an incompatibility can not be resolved through a process of interpretation pursuant to HRA 1998, s 3.
Pre-trial detention must be used as a measure of last resort.
Though a measure of last resort, disqualification may sometimes be necessary to protect the integrity of the administration of justice when the extent of receiving counsel's knowledge is too great for confidence to be restored.
LAWS will lower the threshold of going to war resulting in armed conflict no longer being a measure of last resort.
However, be warned this broad brush approach is somewhat of a measure of last resort, and could have negative side - effects, due to Windows no longer downloading most Windows updates or Windows Store app updates.
A hard fork solution is regarded as a measure of last resort by the Bitcoin Core development team.
Absolute bans are only a measure of last resort and it is worrying that some authorities have opted for such approach.
The key principle which underpinned the recommendations of the Commission in this regard was that imprisonment should be a measure of last resort, with the use of alternatives to custody and diversionary mechanisms where appropriate.
Compulsory acquisition of Indigenous land or native title rights, must only be used as a measure of last resort after full consideration of the social, cultural and spiritual consequences of acquisition, including a consideration of the traditional law of many Indigenous peoples to have control over access and use of their lands.
There are no safeguards within the Bill to ensure that the proposed future act process will be used only as a measure of last resort.
There are no safeguards to ensure that the process would be used only as a measure of last resort.
Native Title holders were led to believe that Section 24JAA was introduced to be used as a measure of last resort where there was unreasonable recalcitrance on the part of Native Title holders to give required consents... no attempt to obtain voluntary Native Title holder consent to the acts that it proposes; it has simply used Section 24JAA as a measure of first resort with the clear intention of not seeking to deal voluntarily with Native Title holders.
In the Native Title Report 2010 I recommended that governments commit to only using the new future act process as a measure of last resort.
2.5 That the Australian, state and territory governments commit to only using the new future act process relating to public housing and infrastructure (introduced by the Native Title Amendment Act (No 1) 2010 (Cth)-RRB- as a measure of last resort.
The experiences of CYLC and TSRA suggest that in far north Queensland the new future act process is not being used as a measure of last resort.
This was a measure of last resort, but the moral of this story is: If you have to take a distribution, you should at least understand the tax implications up front and mitigate the impact.
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