Sentences with phrase «measure someone use»

However it might also be that these factors are associated with some aspect of emotional adjustment, but not to the outcome measures used in these particular studies.
With respect to pediatric psychology, reviews have been conducted of measures used by researchers in this field of study.
A single test measure used for all teachers will, in some cases, also be invalid for particular students or a poor measure of the specific curriculum being taught.
How are multiple measures used in teacher evaluation related to one another and student learning?
Return on Investment (ROI)-- A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment.
Not surprisingly, the richest schools are considered better than the poorest schools, based on measures used by the media to rank academic success.
Height and weight were measured using standard methods (26), and BMI was calculated.
The bid - ask ratio is a common measure used by investors to compare spreads among different ETFs.
They are also a key source of «face», one of several measures used to upgrade your abilities.
A security measure used to protect your card if it is lost or stolen.
So long as the rate at which beer and pizza are traded on the international markets stays at 1:1, it doesn't matter which measure you use.
Maternal harsh discipline was measured using standardized observations, and mothers reported on parenting stress, family conflict, and child temperament.
In this paper we examine the mobility of early - career teachers of varying quality, measured using value - added estimates of teacher performance.
The results also remain if we study individual indicators on low psychological well - being rather than the summarized measure used here.
Attachment style is easily measured using self - report instruments and may inform clinicians how to work with patients who are less engaged in the health care relationship.
1 GDP can also be measured using what is called the expenditure approach or the value added approach.
The consistent, objective measures used by these monitors could help health care professionals identify at - risk individuals for secondary prevention and rehabilitation purposes.
This is a great way to test their skills of measuring using tools, since that is now a requirement on state testing.
But while assessment tests were standard practice, there was substantial variation in the types of other measures used across colleges and across subjects.
Business cycles are generally measured using rise Find the companies and other organizations seeking to influence.
That kind of bill is a temporary measure used to keep government operating.
The light is then measured using a microscope, yielding a three - dimensional map of the electric fields.
Vitamin D levels (from diet, sun exposure and supplement use) were measured using blood tests.
Initially, it was assumed to be captured by a single factor, volatility, which was measured using something called beta.
They began to examine their own behaviour, carefully measuring their use of energy.
The alternative evaluation systems based on value - added models are drawn from student growth measures using end of course assessments beyond reading and math in grades three through eight.
I hope this article has helped you to understand the varied measures used to determine the advantages and disadvantages of a no closing cost loans.
The game's success was measured using worldwide numbers for retail sales and digital downloads.
Global mean sea level is measured using tide gauge records and also, since 1993, satellite data.
Table 1 gives an overview of the continuous measures used to assess these constructs.
The volatility measure used is based on historical volatility.
Fear responses were measured using electrodes that tracked the activity of sweat glands.
Brain functioning will be measured using psychological testing and imaging techniques.
Whereas a profit center simply measures the overall contribution of a division's profitability to the parent corporation, an investment center measures all uses of capital against a theoretical required rate of return.
Far from the streamlined measures used for the Vietnamese years ago, desperate applicants must wait up to four years for a review by Canadian visa officials.
To find the most appropriate length for your child, we recommend measuring using a piece of yarn.
When the concrete cracks, acoustic waves are generated, which are measured using sensors.
So, the two groups being compared may have been significantly different at the start in ways that can not be measured using retrospective data.
The cholesterol - intake measure used by these researchers was for ANY dietary source of cholesterol, and not eggs specifically.
There are numerous measures used to determine the quality of the education that a child is receiving, including standardized test scores, graduation rates, or accountability ratings.
«We're throwing out the clock, we're throwing out credit hours, we're throwing out seat time,» he said, listing the customary measures used in higher education.
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