Sentences with phrase «measured against the value»

For example, marketing success should be measured against the value of the leads marketers provide in addition to the volume of leads.
Dawkins is admitting a constructive balance, though for him it is one that comes out of nowhere, being measured against no value system whatever, and grounded in no wider meaning or context.
However, industrial activities involve environmental consequences that have to be measured against the value of the activity.»

Not exact matches

The fourth page measures the value of Cisco against a list of companies (that list included Apple).
Value - based care is an emerging payment model that focuses on measuring a patient's health outcome against the cost of delivering the outcome.
Price - to - book (P / B) ratio is another popular tool for measuring the price of a stock or index against its per - share book value (total assets minus intangible assets and liabilities).
Measured against a basket of currencies, it has gained about 17.5 percent in value since the inauguration, more than any other major currency.
It's tempting to measure larger businesses against their values, given many of them are publicly traded and proclaim their responsible actions in marketing campaigns.
Here is an important detail: The starting point against which those gains will be measured isn't the fund's actual net asset value on March 31, but rather the deeply discounted price the new buyers are paying..
Loan - to - value ratio, or LTV, measures the balance of an outstanding loan against the value of the asset that the loan purchased.
The utilitarian belief that «human goods can be measured against each other by means of some quantitative scale is the belief that human goods can be assessed in a way analogous to that by which commodities have a monetary value.
In concrete fashion the document advances three values against which energy policies and technologies may be measured for their consistency with the goal of ecological justice: sustainability, equity and participation.
Figures reveal Robert Parker's declining influence on Bordeaux wine pricing: Such is Parker's present effect on the Bordeaux market that The Wine Investment Fund uses his scores as one of three pillars by which it measures the relative value of one wine against another...
WFP works with global leaders in almost every industry to create shared value that can be measured against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As we move forward, we will measure each idea, decision, program, and initiative against these Core Values and determine how they will impact our three primary areas of impact: our members, the IBCLC profession, and the world.
In contrast to the incommensurabilist aversion to the comparison of chafing values, of more compelling concern is how clearly we can measure particularly incompatible belief structures up against one another to reveal a reverse ordering of principles.
Still, some Republicans had argued against the measure because they said it would depreciate property values.
Professor Thomas's team used the Judgement or J - value to balance the cost of a safety measure against the increase in life expectancy it achieves.
«To better compare the GPR signal against the measured root values from the soil cores, radar profiles were sectioned with the most signal concentrated on the upper soil layer for further analysis,» Dong said.
Glucose is set as the standard against which all other foods are measured and therefore assigned a value of 100.
The medical technologist will then measure your serum rT3 levels against the optimal values of 14 to 25 ng / dl.
The CBC panel was designed to measure individual lab values against statistically «normal» ranges of a particular item.
(To generate the weights, we regressed a teacher's average student - achievement gain in one class against the three different measures from another class, resulting in weights of.758,.200, and.042 on value - added, student survey, and classroom observation, respectively).
When they insist that ideas like school choice, performance pay, and teacher evaluations based on value - added measures will themselves boost student achievement, would - be reformers stifle creativity, encourage their allies to lock elbows and march forward rather than engage in useful debate and reflection, turn every reform proposal into an us - against - them steel - cage match, and push researchers into the awkward position of studying whether reforms «work» rather than when, why, and how they make it easier to improve schooling.
«This low rate of parental exemption indicates that our parents and students see the value of measuring the skills of all students against the same standards the same way, using one common yardstick, and one shared goal: learning,» Torlakson said.
The American Educational Research Association became the latest organization to caution against using value - added models — complex algorithms that attempt to measure a teacher's impact on student test scores — to evaluate teachers and principals.
In the same year, a policy report from the Brookings Institute, Evaluating Teachers: The Important Role of Value - Added suggested that VAM should not be measured against an abstract ideal, but rather should be compared to other teacher evaluation methods to determine its potential usefulness.
Even those who champion value - added measures caution against using them as the sole means of evaluating teachers.
Using multiple measures of teacher performance is one safeguard against the shortcomings of value - added analysis.
More failed legal challenges against value - added measures took place in Tennessee.
In a recent post, I wrote that Randi Weingarten, the current president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), has (finally) expressed her full opposition against the use of value - added models (VAMs) to evaluate and measure teacher effectiveness.
As just posted on Diane Ravitch's blog, Randi Weingarten, the current president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), has (finally) expressed her full opposition against using value - added models (VAMs), the statistical measures of utmost interest on this blog, for teacher evaluation, accountability, and merit pay purposes.
However, we need to guard against this being derailed by its implementation.The advantages that come with Progress 8 are at risk from those wishing to place undue emphasis on a school's attainment measure (Attainment 8) or from the introduction of new GCSE grades that place greater value on the highest grades available.
It's why the use of VAM (Value Added Measures) can not contribute valid or reliable data to a teacher's effectiveness rating — because VAM is a predictive model based on comparing a set of actual student test scores against a hypothetical group of scores.
Value — competitive price and equipment levels, measured against those of vehicles in the same market segment.
But at least the airport taxi drivers of 2024 will get a bargain when cars like this are collapsing in value due to punitive measures against diesel.
Outside of measuring how well the Kindle is already doing with developers, the survey also revealed that iOS has remained the most popular platform of all with developers — showing that they do in the end value all those bells and whistles, too — and that Windows Phone and Nokia (NYSE: NOK) are gaining ground against RIM (NSDQ: RIMM) in the mindshare stakes.
Loan - to - value ratio, or LTV, measures the balance of an outstanding loan against the value of the asset that the loan purchased.
We must take measures to make sure that the nominal value of assets that have been borrowed against do not fall further.
Investments of value funds are in stocks which may be undervalued when measured against an elementary basis.
A home's loan - to - value ratio (LTV) measures the market value of the home against the amount currently remaining on the loan.
Working capital calculations such as Net Current Asset Value (NCAV) and Net Net Working Capital (NNWC) provide valuable metrics with which to measure against price in order to identify bargain stocks.
Through a selection of 20 - 30 stocks based on some crude measure of value (I'm leaning towards free cash flow multiple), I can hedge against the few bad calls that will probably occur.
The price - to - sales measures the market value of the company against its annual sales.
The Consumer Price Index is a broad measure of inflation, and inflation can have a dramatic impact on a currency's value against rival currencies.
Arguably, by investing now when the dollar is strong I am also exposed to the risk of the dollar depreciating against the Euro, but a weaker dollar would mean higher sales in dollar terms, which would compensate in large measure for any loss of value from a weaker currency: it's a case of swings and roundabouts.
The best way to get the measure of a card's value is to compare it against other options.
This does not necessarily argue against active management; it only suggests that active managers should be measured against the correct benchmark, which, in the case of a value investor, is a passive index of value stocks.
To see how tough it has been for value investors, and the impact of the Magic Formula effect, I backtested the performance of four indexes against the value decile of each (measured by the enterprise multiple or EBITDA / enterprise value — overview of the research on the enterprise multiple here).
And since value is hard to measure, why not wait for Mr. Market to extend to you the insurance against you own ignorance by offering you the goods at a juicy margin of safety.
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