Sentences with phrase «measurement bias»

Ocean coverage by floats reached 90 % by 2005 [66], with the gaps mainly in sea ice regions, yielding the potential for an accurate energy balance assessment, provided that several systematic measurement biases exposed in the past decade are minimized [67]--[69].
But we counted measurement bias when the control group included women who used hydrotherapy during labor, but did not deliver in water, and there was no explanation of why.
Ocean coverage by floats reached 90 % by 2005 [66], with the gaps mainly in sea ice regions, yielding the potential for an accurate energy balance assessment, provided that several systematic measurement biases exposed in the past decade are minimized [67]--[69].
The IPCC reports that since 1900, the world's surface has warmed about 0.6 C, a figure most folks will accept (with some provisos I'll get to in a minute about temperature measurement biases).
Outcome measurement bias happens when the person evaluating the outcome can influence how the outcome is counted.
Flexion measurement biases are found to be significant but consistent with previous studies.
Systematic measurement biases introduced a spurious cooling trend since 2003.
Sixth, one of our outcomes (group - based trajectories of conduct problems) was based on maternal reports which raises the possibility of measurement bias due to differential misclassification of the outcome (i.e., conduct problems) across exposure groups (alcohol use versus no alcohol use).
This point was also made by Schmidt et al. (2014), which additionally showed that incorporating the most recent estimates of aerosol, solar, and greenhouse gas forcings, as well as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and temperature measurement biases, the discrepancy between average GCM global surface warming projections and observations is significantly reduced.
Gorey KM, Leslie DR: The prevalence of child sexual abuse: Integrative review adjustment for potential response and measurement biases.
Measurement bias was an interesting one for water birth because measurement bias occurs when a study doesn't do a good job of sorting people into the experimental and control groups.
Some of this increase is real, but some may be a measurement bias related to the ability to better detect smaller spots.
Observations from rain gauges are not assimilated, and gridded estimates from them, which too may suffer from gaps in coverage and measurement biases, provide independent datasets for evaluation.
One can observe that nearly all of the increase in storms in the last half century seems to be due to this measurement bias, and not to, say, global warming:
(Seems all these types of analyses (inc JRA) are subject to methodological, sytematic, and measurement biases.)
The use of a standardized and validated assessment instrument for the outcome measure minimized some measurement biases.
We tried to minimise any measurement bias by depression by including all participants with as little as one valid wear day.
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