Sentences with phrase «measures against food»

Similarly, a precise and comprehensive diagnosis is essential for establishing adequate measures against food intolerance.

Not exact matches

The measure that strips out the volatile prices of energy and unprocessed food, was 1.1 percent year - on - year in April from 1.3 percent in March and against an expected 1.2 percent rate.
Arguing against the motion is Charles Benbrook, a research professor at the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources at Washington State University and program leader of Measure to Manage: Farm and Food Diagnostics for Sustainability and Health, and Margaret Mellon, a science policy consultant in the areas of antibiotics, genetic engineering and sustainable agriculture.
Arguing against the motion was Charles Benbrook, a research professor at the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources at Washington State University and program leader of Measure to Manage: Farm and Food Diagnostics for Sustainability and Health, and Margaret Mellon, a science policy consultant in the areas of antibiotics, genetic engineering and sustainable agriculture.
AZO provides food processors, who are legally required to take effective safety measures against contaminants, with high - quality machinery and systems which help ensure that their products comply with the relevant standards.
This touched on the proposed European Directive to curb Unfair Trading Practices (UTPs) in the EU food supply chain and why we need such measures in the UK so all farmers and suppliers are better protected against UTPs.
And another thing, ammonium hydroxide has been APPPROVED by the FDA / USDA for use in a variety of foods as a preventive measure against foodborn illnesses caused by bacteria such as e-coli and salmonella.
Only 35 countries have legislation fully implementing the Code — often because Nestlé and the rest of the baby food industry has lobbied against such measures.
Colorado and Oregon voted against requiring labeling for GMO foods, and bear biologists in Maine were happy that the voters there rejected a measure that would have barred the use of food bait, which the scientists say is an important tool for population management and research.
This enterprise led him deep into the relationship between economics, physiology, and longevity, where he analyzed variables such as the amount of food consumed by the average slave (or freeman) measured against the amount of work he produced.
Writing in the journal, Conservation Biology, scientists recommend the adoption of measures to mitigate against a range of effects including; food scarcity (where fisheries compete for the same resources), being caught in fishing nets, oil pollution and climate change.
Glucose is set as the standard against which all other foods are measured and therefore assigned a value of 100.
All other foods are measured against this yardstick.
Cyrex Laboratories Array # 4 measures antibody production (IgG / IgA) against foods that contain gluten (rye, barley, spelt, polish wheat), foods that are known to cross-react with gluten (dairy, yeast, oats, millet, rice, and corn), foods that are newly - introduced and commonly over-consumed on a gluten - free diet (rice, sorghum, quinoa, etc), and foods that are common allergens (corn, soy, eggs, etc).
Cyrex Laboratories Array # 10 measures antibody production (IgG / IgA) against 180 different foods (raw and / or modified), foods enzymes, lectins and artificial food additives (including meat glue, colorings, and gums).
The problem is that Real Return Bonds are only measured against things we buy daily like Cars, TVs and Real Estate... And the things that we almost never buy, like Food and Gasoline are stripped out of the measurement.
Set your dog up for success, whether in the home or for air transport, by taking preventative measures against object and food - based aggression.
Common sense tells me that if a pet food is measured against human food standards for ingredients, production methods, storage, and delivery, then I know it's good enough for my pets.
In 2013 Macalester placed 9th out of 156 participating schools in the food and organics division, which measures the weight of the food and organics collected against the total campus population.
Countries are spending countless billions of dollars annually on faulty to fraudulent IPCC climate models and studies that purport to link every adverse event or problem to manmade climate change; subsidized renewable energy programs that displace food crops and kill wildlife; adaptation and mitigation measures against future disasters that exist only in «scenarios» generated by the IPCC's GIGO computer models; and welfare, food stamp and energy assistance programs for the newly unemployed and impoverished.
The choice of a stabilization level implies the balancing of the risks of climate change (risks of gradual change and of extreme events, risk of irreversible change of the climate, including risks for food security, ecosystems and sustainable development) against the risk of response measures that may threaten economic sustainability.
As measured by the Comp Pinkbook, Kupfer had 62 awards against the State of Maryland, 39 awards against the Mayor & City Council of Baltimore, and 13 awards against Giant Food, LLC.
Forecasted sales, managed food cost of sales and labor costs, and measured ongoing performance against budget.
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