Sentences with phrase «meat concentrate»

Meat meals such as duck meal, turkey meal, and chicken are considered meat concentrates because meat meals contain 300 % more protein compared to fresh meat sources.
Essentially, chicken meal is a type of meat concentrate — once the moisture has been cooked out it contains about 65 % protein and 12 % fat.
The other ingredients include protein rich meat concentrate and salmon meal, besides rice bran.
Meat meals typically make for a higher protein content, since they're basically meat concentrates and lose less water during process, and you can see that reflected here.
Like other meat concentrates, chicken meal contains nearly 300 % more protein than fresh chicken meat.
However turkey meal and chicken meal are considered meat concentrates and are better sources of animal protein because they contain almost 300 % more protein compared to their raw forms.
However, as we mentioned earlier, chicken meal and turkey meal are both high quality sources of protein - rich meat concentrates.
Meat meals such as lamb meal, chicken meal, anchovy and sardine meal, and pork meal are considered meat concentrates containing more than 300 % of protein.
Catfish is another form of meat concentrate thus its presence contributes to the total protein value of the feed.
As this food is more meat concentrated, cats need to eat less to feel satisfied so the more expensive price pays off by making the cat food bag last longer.
Each formula may contain raw meat and / or meat concentrate from venison, bison, duck, turkey, fish, rabbit, lamb, and chicken.
Favorable reviews from dog owners involve the absence of any plant - based protein sources and a substantial amount of protein from meat sources particularly meat concentrates.
What's left is a pork meat concentrate that is 97 % digestible.
Chicken meal (think meat concentrate), oatmeal, brown rice, and canola oil make up the majority of the rest of the ingredients.
Chicken By - Product Meal — Chicken by - product meal is a type of meat concentrate — it consists of the leftover parts of the chicken carcass after the edible parts have been removed.
Thus the manufacturers of Innova dog food incorporated meat meals which are considered meat concentrates that contain 300 % more protein than fresh meat sources.
Still, about 35 % of the calories in this recipe come from good meats or meat meals (basically meat concentrate), and that's more than enough to keep your American bulldog lean and muscley.
HIGH FAT or HIGH PURINE PROTEINS: fatty red meat, salmon, tuna, herring, anchovies, highpurine proteins such as liver, caviar, meat concentrates, artichoke hearts, and modest purine containing foods such as beans, peas, lentils, cauliflower, spinach, and asparagus.
While this ingredient may sound unconvincing, it is actually a meat concentrate that contains nearly 300 % more protein than fresh beef.
These are meat concentrates that are considerably richer in protein content than regular, fresh meat.
However, by - product meals are meat concentrates and contain a high percentage of protein.
Chicken meal is considered a meat concentrate.
Protein: Lamb meal is a meat concentrate and contains more protein than fresh lamb.
It is a meat concentrate and contains more protein than fresh pork meat.
Chicken meal is considered a meat concentrate which means it contains 300 % more protein compared to raw meat sources.
It is a meat concentrate and is considered a better source of protein than fresh meat sources.
Salmon meal is also a meat concentrate and provides almost 300 % more protein compared to fresh salmon.
It is considered a meat concentrate and contains more protein than fresh chicken.
Protein: Chicken by - product meal is a named by - product meal; it is a meat concentrate and contains more protein than fresh chicken.
It is considered as a meat concentrate which means that it contains about 300 % times more protein compared to raw meat sources.
Meat concentrates aren't innately bad for your puppy, but you should avoid any that also say «by - product» or don't define what animal the meal is made of.
These are types of meat concentrates.
The first 2 ingredients are a raw meat and a meat concentrate.
Chicken meal is considered a meat concentrate and contains nearly 300 % more protein than fresh chicken.
Remember, anything with «meal» in it basically means it's meat concentrate (tasty, eh?)
Next come duck meal and chicken meal, meat concentrates that contain 300 percent more protein than fresh duck and chicken, according to DogFoodAdvisor.
Menhaden fish meal, the ingredient listed before chicken fat, is another type of meat concentrate and a rich source of protein.
These meat concentrates contain almost thrice the amount of protein in fresh meat but it is deemed to be a controversial ingredient.
The first three ingredients are meat and meat concentrates.
The first three ingredients for this dog food are meat and meat concentrate.
Fish meal is also considered a meat concentrate thus it is also a good source of meat - based protein.
Menhaden fish meal is another protein - rich meat concentrate.
These ingredients are meat concentrates and are much better sources of protein than fresh meat because they contain 300 % more protein compared to fresh meat sources.
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