Sentences with phrase «mechanical advantage»

The wide - grip pull - up offers a higher degree of difficulty with a greater mechanical advantage, but on the other hand it puts more stress on the shoulder joints.
Using proper technique will allow you to use mechanical advantage over the tire's weight advantage.
By experimenting with simple machines and gears, students learn to manipulate mechanical advantage, a concept that can be applied to construction and engineering projects.
The early torque peak of the solid line is fun from a standing start but you will need to shift early (trading mechanical advantage to get back to the torque peak).
Proposed mechanical advantage of sutured interface: (a) Straight interface with penetration by sharp tooth separating neighboring scutes; (b) Sutured interface with force F having tangential and normal components; (c) Tangential component of force, Fy, pushing opposite sides of teeth against each other in a locking - in mechanism.
Longer stroke means you have more mechanical advantage when the piston is pushed down.
Long legs are good for jumping, while a longer torso offers better mechanical advantage for heaving things.
«We are currently investigating what mechanical advantage scutes and sutures might provide.
Instead of struggling to keep your head back, as soon as the barbell clears your face, slightly push your head forward so that you can get directly underneath the load, which will help you gain an important mechanical advantage and make the movement pattern more natural and more effective.
To allow for greatest mechanical advantage at the wrist, the wrists should be kept straight so that the bar is right in line with structure of the forearm.
With this biomechanical reality in mind, 1.5 reps focus on the most difficult part of the range of motion involved in the exercise — the part where you've got the least mechanical advantage, which is why they're done first in the set.
Students in Gregory Thompson's Principles of Engineering class took to models to study mechanical advantage.
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA)-- TTA is another way to accomplish the same mechanical advantage obtained with TPLO but uses a linear cut along the front of the shin bone.
Based on the family of figure eights and simple mechanical advantage systems, this class offers participants a chance to examine in detail commonly used rescue knots and haul systems used in both technical small and large animal rescue.
The built - in mechanical advantage of the pulley makes the raising of 400 pounds a piece of cake.
Longer stroke gives more mechanical advantage (leverage) between the piston and the crank, so your torque peak will be higher.
To better understand why the seahorse tail deviates from the norm, and what mechanical advantages its curious shape might confer, researchers led by Michael Porter, an assistant professor in the department of mechanical engineering at Clemson University, created a 3D - printed model of the tail that was roughly the size of a soda can, as well as a hypothetical cylindrical version.
Additionally, it appears that the short head of the biceps is the primary elbow supinator as its insertion provides greater mechanical advantage (Jarrett et al. 2012).
It has a high 26:1 mechanical advantage that makes it ideal for handling thick, viscous materials.
Cables, on the other hand, do offer some degree of isolation, but they compromise the contractions via the mechanical advantage that the pulley system offers.
Studies show that lifters using a staggered grip (one side overhand, the other underhand), which provides the mechanical advantage of reverse torsion, completed an average of two more reps within their six - rep max than when using a standard overhand grip.
The humeral origin of the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis is also important because it has a direct correlation to your Lats which gives you a mechanical advantage in speed and control when you learn how to fully harness the FISTs listed below.
The lower the insertion, the higher the mechanical advantage, thus the more force one can produce.
We don't need to get too technical for the purposes of this discussion, but what it boils down to is mechanical advantage.
It's important to note that doing so lowers the angle of the barbell, which gives you less of a mechanical advantage over the barbell.
As you get closer to the top, the lever arm shortens and you gain a mechanical advantage.
This is a form of accommodating resistance (i.e., gaining a mechanical advantage to accommodate for your fatigue) that allows you to extend the set farther than if you were doing traditional reps or only doing 1.5 reps.
Then, as you fatigue (i.e., lose strength), you perform mechanical partials reps in the less difficult ranges of motion where you have a greater mechanical advantage, allowing you to continue to crank out more reps (without cheating).
Losing your shoes before you deadlift is the simplest way to increase your mechanical advantage on the lift and use more weight.
Increasing PA is thus a trade - off between increasing the number of muscle fibers that can fit in the same ACSA while simultaneously reducing the mechanical advantage (Aagaard et al. 2001).
Advantage (debate), an argument structure in competitive debate; Mechanical advantage, in engineering, the ratio of output force to input force on a system Boliy Pro3600SI and the new electric start Pro3600SIE (model number not matching the wattage here) is a true Digital Signal Processing (DSP) inverter
- Student record sheet (students fill in description & draw picture after matching) Equations include: weight, force, velocity, momentum, work, mechanical advantage, pressure, current, power, speed, volume, and density.
Mechanical advantage 3.
Physics teacher Scott Swaley of High Tech High developed a project using automatons - mechanical toys — to teach principles such as torque, mechanical advantage and angular velocity to his 12th grade students
You won't need to shift as early to stay at peak power, keeping the mechanical advantage for more revs.
As you wind the cable back on, your mechanical advantage diminishes.»
Increasing the Mechanical Advantage Another way of increasing braking efficiency is with more mechanical advantage.
This means that the output shaft of a gearbox rotates at a slower rate than the input shaft, and this reduction in speed produces a mechanical advantage, increasing torque.
This class is designed to wrap the students into the basics of rope rescue knots and mechanical advantage used by both ASAR responders, Humane or Animal Control Officer and fire department personnel.
Training Requirements Those with animal control backgrounds should gain training which focuses on SAR technical requirements such as swift water, rope work and mechanical advantage, wildland fire and confined space rescue.
Wrench open - ended spanner for grip and mechanical advantage, in turning objects distressed by departure.
Mechanical Aptitude Practice Tests - introduces basic mechanical concepts, and simple mechanical principles such as pressure, weight, levers, cogwheels, mechanical advantage, and more.
In physics terms, a lever provides a «mechanical advantage» in moving an object — less effort is provided to move something a greater distance.The same can be said about using our strengths to bring out the best in ourselves and others.
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