Sentences with phrase «mechanical effects into»

This bodes well for introducing quantum mechanical effects into both electronic and optical technologies.»

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The thin and flexible material works on the piezoelectric effect — the idea of converting mechanical stress into electric charges.
The thin and flexible material, which is quite hard to produce at present, works on the piezoelectric effect — the ability of certain materials to convert mechanical stress into electric charges, Phys.orgreports.
The same researchers who pioneered the use of a quantum mechanical effect to convert heat into electricity have figured out how to make their technique work in a form more suitable to industry.
Another thing on which the video and makeup effects teams worked side by side was the «breathing screen,» a mechanical effect in which the televised lips of Nicki Brand pucker and blow against the glass of Max Renn's TeleRanger TV screen, making it billow forth from the console frame like a swelling breast, as her seductive voice invites Max to push himself into her waiting mouth: «Don't keep me waiting.»
The aggregate effect of all the juggling is that The Commitments becomes alternately a soapbox for Parker using his green cast as a bullhorn and an extended concert video shot with the same two - camera set in various pub sets featuring a band that, for the most part, turns R&B classics into their mechanical pod counterparts.
[3] And Makiguchi theorized that «Education integrated into the life of society will yield benefits of well - planned living, without the undesirable effect of mechanical uniformity an inherent danger in standardized education.»
For example, angel hair is usually considered to be of low toxicity, it can irritate eyes, skin, and the gastrointestinal tract; the content of Christmas tree preservatives varies and often effects depend upon the amount ingested; styrofoam, small parts from Christmas tree ornaments and toys, as well as tinsel, can cause mechanical obstructions in the gastrointestinal tract; snow flock can cause problems if sprayed into the mouth and inhaled; and chocolate, of any type, should never be given to a pet.
The second annual Parade of Green Buildings will take participants to seven places where the architect, owner, landscape designer and builder have created projects that take into account the source of and effects of using the materials; the relationship between various mechanical systems; and how the building fits into the site.
First and foremost, since we are using mechanical drives and not solid - state storage, seek times and the like come into effect.
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