Sentences with phrase «mechanical interactions»

In addition mechanical interactions could be viewed taking place.
Players not invested in the game tend to find mechanical interactions annoying.
They can't really make decisions about where to go, so it is all down to mechanical interactions between themselves and their surroundings.»
The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae controls mechanical interactions among cells with extensions called pili.
All in all, the research showed that different mechanical interactions among bacteria can determine the architecture of biofilms.
Objective: To acquire a better understanding of two modes of tissue morphogenesis (the dynamic processes leading to the emergence of functional form in an embryonic tissue)-- one associated with programmed genetic coordination and the other dependent on self - organization through mechanical interactions.
Fast ones, too, because if you fumble a shift, you lose the magic inherent in wringing out an F1, that of precisely orchestrating multiple mechanical interactions within the car with minimal and deliberate actions from your limbs.
Later narrative games ranging from That Dragon, Cancer to The Novelist have added more forms of mechanical interaction with the story.
But when we look at the quantum mechanical properties of an isolated atom, it turns out that we don't understand how the microscopic properties of the rock material result from the quantum mechanical interactions in an «a priori» fashion.
Lying deep beneath those noble, complex human qualities we call character, these scientists have found, is the mundane, mechanical interaction of specific chemicals in the brains and bodies of developing infants.
«Right now,» Wells said,» we're hypothesizing that the mechanical interactions modeled by the Shenoy lab explain aspects of cancer and fibrosis, and we're developing the experimental systems to confirm it with real cells.»
The Spider - Man pack has the most variety and innovation, but even then it's a comparative measure; this is not a game for people who are looking for something new when it comes to mechanical interaction.
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