Sentences with phrase «mechanical loading»

"Mechanical loading" refers to the application of physical forces or stresses on an object or structure. It is the process of applying weight, pressure, or tension that causes materials to experience mechanical stress or strain. Full definition
To date, no machines have been ordered for mechanical load drive duty.
The muscle strokes also are reversible for millions of cycles as the muscles contract and expand under heavy mechanical loads.
The team then used sophisticated computer modeling systems to process the scan data and simulate how the amount and distribution of bone loss would affect the ability to sustain mechanical loads and movements.
However, how cells recover their shape after mechanical loading is still unclear.
There is also the matter of mechanical loading on the bone itself - the long bones (of the legs, for example) bow ever so slightly under heavy loading, which results in adaptation (bone thickening across the entire length of the bone) to prevent possible damage in the future.
During eccentric training, we can use a much heavier weight, for more reps, and create a much greater mechanical loading on the muscle, at the same time as producing far lower muscle activation.
They are subjected to heavy mechanical loading during liftoff when the acceleration rises to eight times» that of Earth's gravity.
Most people underestimate the importance of eccentric training because they don't know that there is more mechanical load per motor unit during the eccentric phase of an exercise, and the reason for this is that eccentric contraction involves fewer motor units.
Since fewer motor units are involved during an eccentric contraction (because of the passive resistance offered by the cross bridges), there is more mechanical load per motor unit in an eccentric contraction.
A: Walking is about the best exercise you can do to stave off osteoporosis, as walking involves mechanical loading, which stimulates the formation of bone.
This suggests that greater increases in collagen may occur after eccentric training than after concentric training, primarily as a result of the greater mechanical loading stimulus.
In addition, controllable mechanical response will allow for the development of adaptive aerospace structures that could potentially accommodate mechanical loading conditions.
«Our work here mainly deals with the second and third stages, in which the stress, either externally applied mechanical loading or intrinsically generated stress due to the oxide formation itself, could affect the diffusion and chemical reaction process,» said Mengkun Yue, another author of the paper from Tsinghua University.
Some particularly attractive design options that correspond to lower mechanical loads and vibration are not currently achievable due to limitations in structural damping in hingeless blade or wing structures.
Upon mechanical loading, NO reacts with superoxide to generate peroxynitrite.
This indicates that muscle activation underpins the process of fiber type shifts, while mechanical loading (tension) determines changes in fiber size.
However, it is possible to tweak your Power Clean workouts by including Cluster Sets to increase time under tension, while maintaining proper Power Clean technique and sufficient mechanical load on the muscles to set a hypertrophic stimulus.
Initially, it was suggested that the higher mechanical loads involved in eccentric training must be responsible and many reviews continue to report this as the most likely explanation (see reviews by Rees et al. 2009; Frizziero et al. 2014).
For dynamic effort, the athlete must be careful not to use too much weight (or too little)- weights that are too light (20 - 30 % of max) do not provide enough mechanical load to require ALL motor units be recruited, and weights that are too heavy (60 + %) can not be moved with enough velocity to train rapid contraction.
Mechanical load increases muscle IGF - I and androgen receptor mRNA concentrations in humans.
This causes the cartilage to lose its thickness and elasticity, which are important in absorbing mechanical loads placed across the joint during movement.
No M7A - 01s or M7A - 02s have been ordered for mechanical load drive duty.
In turn, wind farms can achieve greater power output as an overall plant, and customers can expect to see 5 - 10 percent reduced wake losses and improved mechanical loads due to lower wake turbulence.
These findings indicate that it is highly unlikely that muscle fiber type can be preferentially altered by different types of mechanical loading, except insofar as a smaller volume of training might produce smaller fiber type shifts.
Rules for how human cells return to their original shape after mechanical loading
In the electrical generation and mechanical load drive arenas, the gas turbines competing against the LM2500 include the Siemens SGT - 600 / 700 (formerly GT10), PW Power Systems FT8, Rolls - Royce RB211 - 6556 / Coberra 6562, MHPS H - 25, and Zorya - Mashproekt UGT 15000.
The research is showing promise, and project co-ordinator, Dr. Emile Greenhalgh says the new material is revolutionary because «it does two things simultaneously — it carries a mechanical load and also stores electrical energy.»
«Until now, it was assumed that splitting of the γ» precipitates refines the microstructure during ageing, which would be beneficial for the alloy's stability under thermo - mechanical load.
Located at the tip of the vehicle, the nose cap has to withstand very high thermal and mechanical loads.
This leads to a reduction in the metal's ductility, or its ability to sustain a mechanical load before fracturing.
In addition, recombinant irisin has also been shown to suppress sclerostin, a protein that is involved in bone loss during prolonged lack of mechanical load, such as in bed - ridden patients.
The cellular stretching relates to stresses, which are directed to chondrocytes during the mechanical load.
What are the mechanical loads and stress on the foundation ice?
If you remove the mechanical loading element, the bones think they do nt need to be there and actually get thinner, like what happens with astronauts in space.
The use of heavy eccentric strength training exercise together with more explosive, plyometric - like movements, therefore, seems to provide the ideal combination of mechanical load and neuromuscular recruitment needed to improve the rate of force development.
``... no anatomical structure functions in isolation, and the mechanical load anywhere in the body is distributed through a continuous network of fascia, ligaments and muscles supporting the entire skeleton. . .
Skeletal muscle is a highly malleable tissue that can adapt both morphologically and functionally to chronic alterations in mechanical loading.
This suggests that changes in lateral force transmission capability are triggered by the magnitude of the mechanical loading.
Indeed, the trigger for muscle fiber type shifts seems to be muscle activation, which is dependent the involvement of the active elements, while the trigger for muscular hypertrophy seems to be mechanical loading, irrespective of the level of muscle activation (Eftestøl et al. 2016).
However, increases in muscle fascicle length are also likely dependent on the mechanical load incurred by the prime mover, as knee flexion (hamstring only) exercise seems to lead to greater adaptations in the hamstrings than hip extension (hamstring, gluteus maximus, and adductor magnus) exercise, even when muscle length at peak contraction is shorter (Bourne et al. 2016).
The mechanical load isn't the problem, considering, that some athletes can lift notable loads in the Power Snatch.
Sure, running and cardio are good for your heart, but they certainly don't count as lower - body exercises — the mechanical load isn't great enough to stimulate change.
As a recap, time under tension and mechanical load are the main drivers for muscular hypertrophy.
In non-fatigued muscles, the extent to which motor units are active determines the tensile force that is produced and this tensile force produces the mechanical loading that is thought to be one of the key drivers for long - term muscular adaptations (Schoenfeld, 2010).
What's even crazier is that downforce can be aero vectored by the LPI, either right or left, increasing downforce on the inner wheel, which opposes the mechanical load transfer, and improves stability according to Lamborghini.
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