Sentences with phrase «mechanical removal»

The way in which the kitty treats are designed allow for the more efficient mechanical removal of plaque and tartar as if you're giving your kitty its own miniature toothbrush.
Eating sugary and starchy foods, drinking tea, coffee, and soda leads to an altered pH in the mouth - > certain strains of bacteria to proliferate - > bacteria form biofilms to protect themselves from mechanical removal such as is done through the flow of saliva or brushing teeth - > biofilms cause a buildup of plaque on the teeth from bacteria in the mouth.
Once supragingival plaque and calculus is removed, the teeth should be polished with a medium to fine grit polishing paste to smooth surface irregularities which helps retard the biofilm of plaque and improve mechanical removal i.e. brushing and future scaling.
The scaffold is also bio-resorbable like the sensors, which means they can be absorbed by the body without requiring mechanical removal.
We always prefer mechanical removal of pests by water spraying or gentle scraping rather than the application of chemical insecticides.
The eggs of roundworms are very hardy, so good mechanical removal from the environment is essential.
Mechanical Removal of Plaque — Studies show that crunchy kibble is slightly better than canned food at keeping plaque from accumulating on teeth.
Due to the inherent nature of biofilms, mechanical removal i.e. brushing, has proven to be the best method of control.
Foresters have used both mechanical removal and intentional burning to prevent massive conflagrations, but the relative costs and ecological effects of these two practices are unknown.
By 1930, it was perceived to be a threat to native ecosystems, but it resisted eradication by fire, mechanical removal, and herbicide.
Ringworm is one of the trickiest pathogens to deal with, but recent studies suggest that mechanical removal of ringworm - contaminated material is the most important step in decontaminating an area.
The first step is the mechanical removal of organic material (feces, urine, blood, respiratory secretions, and dirt).
Now, if you're only after the mechanical removal of dental debris so that you can effectively prevent the development or occurrence of plaque and tartar on your pet's dentition, then Pawstruck's Natural Cow Hooves for Dogs preparation should come in very handy.
This unique design makes the Milk - Bone dental chews for canines truly exceptional when it comes to the mechanical removal of food particles and other debris off of your canine friend's dentition.
Advantages • Best long - term prevention for dental disease • Mechanical removal of plaque • Cleans the entire mouth • Get to know your pet's mouth
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