Sentences with phrase «mechanics of the game requires»

Not everybody will be happy about it, but one of the core mechanics of the game requires it, so we went ahead with the change.

Not exact matches

Izuna requires a little bit of time and patience to figure out how the mechanics work, but once you do, it's really an excellent game.
The game mechanic generally requires some measure of investment to «unlock» and is, in theory, to be paid off by the profits earned from said game mechanic.
Namco designs the games to appeal to a wide audience; they don't require an in - depth knowledge of intricate vehicle mechanics, and they don't require things like license tests.
It's in the mixture of all of these different mechanics where the game truly shows its brilliance, as it really requires you to use your head in order to come out victorious.
None of the game's environmental puzzles require much brain power to solve but thanks to the various mechanics at play they remain interesting.
Challenge judges praised the gameplay mechanics of Dolphin Dive, a side - scrolling adventure game that requires the player — embodied as a dolphin evading an oil spill — to avoid obstacles in the form of litter and debris in order to out swim the pursuing toxic sludge.
This introduction serves as the tutorial to the game, your in - game Uncle explaining some of the mechanics you'll be using a lot throughout the rest of your time with your jalopy - primarily, tasks required for fixing it.
This mechanic will be immediately familiar to any of the 36 + million people who have played previous Resident Evil games, but may require some mental readjustments by players who are new to the series,» writes the author.
Both genres require an element of strategy, and Plants vs Zombies is a game with mechanics almost entirely dependent on cooperation.
But the PS4's first must - have racer does an excellent job of pitching the game's mechanics at a level where racing requires planning and restraint but learning the mechanics comes naturally enough to new players.
In our review of the game, our man Rory says: «None of the game's environmental puzzles require much brain power to solve but thanks to the various mechanics at play they remain interesting.
I found this section of the game more of a tutorial as it will teach you how to control the character and basic mechanics required for the game.
He goes on to say «None of the game's environmental puzzles require much brain power to solve but thanks to the various mechanics at play they remain interesting.
Sort of like how Puzzle Quest has merged two game styles, but Clash of Heroes has a completely new battle mechanic that I like much better than Puzzle Quest because it requires more strategy.
While most games have early levels that are easier to get the player used to the mechanics, the first 5 - 7 levels of Shiny are ludicrous cake walks that only require you to literally hold right and at times press the jump button.
There's also the bizarre dichotomy of being told «You have X amount of time to get this done», while the time mechanics in - game require a day / night cycle.
The RPG mechanics were easy to learn, but once time - based attacking and blocking is thrown in, the game requires a considerable amount of focus to succeed.
Even many of the game's boss fights don't require specific mechanics to succeed, so you can skip the tricks and face your enemies head - on, if you like.
For families with one or more younger gamers, Party Planet earns distinction, offering a number of approachable amusements that don't require a complex controls or intricate play mechanics.
While the design of the game is very much «arcade» in nature, where the first play through isn't intended to be the whole game but rather racking up high scores and challenging yourself (and others on the High Score lists) to do better, I still want to say that I feel like there could have been an extra set of «hardcore» rooms, maybe even just 10 or so, that would have required judicious use of all the more advanced features of the game mechanics to get through.
I liked the game until i reached a point that required me to first of all fight 9 enemies one after another; this wouldnt have been an issue if the fighting mechanics worked - they do nt.
Is this just a sign of the variety we'll see among NPCs, or will the first game's hunting mechanic be expanded to allow you (or require you) to bring your kills back to town to sell.
The opening moments of the game quite cleverly introduce this mechanic, requiring you to «prove» to your cat that there's no tasty morsels waiting for him in the icebox.
While any game with stealth mechanics requires a certain suspension of disbelief, guards here are happy to stand tall and still even knowing Karl's in their midst, climb to a ladder that he's waiting at the top of with a sub-machine gun, or return to their patrol with a bullet wound to the chest.
These are consumers that spend a great deal of time and / or money on fairly sophisticated games that tend to have longer play sessions and often involve complicated game mechanics, particularly with competitive online play, and can require more high - end PC game hardware.
But doing well still requires perfect timing, and particularly with the exciting synchronous multiplayer races, there's something to be said about the depth of the game, or at least how compelling simple game mechanics can be.
It's an easy to create game, with very simple mechanics, and very little work is required of a...
It's an easy to create game, with very simple mechanics, and very little work is required of a single developer to make one.
CvA also (intentionally or unintentionally) borrows Mega Lo Mania's game mechanic of requiring you divide your units amongst several front, sometimes without knowing exactly how strong the opposition is going to be.
I love all of the little details about the game too, like flipping over tables to create strategic cover; quick warp points so you can instantaneously teleport around the floors and lessen the amount of backtracking; achievements that actually require dedication and skill to complete; secret areas and side missions that are well thought out and integrated with the game mechanics; gear based around classic gaming and pop culture references (for example a light gun that shoots a Duck Hunt duck with the last bullet of every clip); and since the Supply Drop update, the all - important option to save and quit between floors.
The game features ground breaking facial capture technology that allows for the central interrogation mechanics, that requires the player to read the facial gestures and tics of his interrogees.
I could write for hours about how this game lacks the fine balance that makes modern RTS so compelling, how unit producing structures require manual selection each time you want to build something or about how the game mechanics of resource management make economy harassment impossible, but let's not waste each others time.
Like many mechanics popular in mobile games, Gacha systems require a significant amount of testing and refinement to ensure they provide players with the correct risk - reward ratio.
As in the Souls series, all the boss battles require near perfect mastery of the game's combat mechanics and any mistakes are severely punished.
Requires a scoring mechanic designed to measure the actual domination of game.
The real challenge of the game is its incorporation of puzzles: each world contains a few difficult to reach puzzle pieces, and obtaining them requires some careful planning out and clever manipulation of your ability to control the mechanics of time.
The game mechanic generally requires some measure of investment to «unlock» and is, in theory, to be paid off by the profits earned from said game mechanic.
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