Sentences with phrase «mechanistic thinking»

A bigger challenge is this: The reductive, mechanistic thinking that has been at the root of Western science and medicine for the last few centuries is insufficient to explain vibrational healing.
In his book Evolution for Everyone, he distinguishes it from theological thinking (God did it) and mechanistic thinking (its parts make it work this way).
There were many other reasons for the rapid dominance of mechanistic thinking in the - church.
Illustrative of mechanistic thinking 75 years ago are the fantastic models of ether molecules devised to account for the properties of light transmission.
In particular it binds humanity and nature when these have been wrenched apart by technology and mechanistic thinking.
She says that causality is already a logical category that's prior to the empirical, and only my unreflective servility to mechanistic thought makes me think it can't be extended analogically beyond the sensible.

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Quantum theory overthrew the deterministic and mechanistic view of the 18th century and made people think that matter moves at random in unpredictable ways.
2 He suggested that scientists are moving away from a mechanistic model of the universe which has dominated their thinking for more than two hundred years.
The Chicago School of Theology made much of its opposition to philosophical idealism; but its strategy of thought in transmuting evolution into something other than mechanistic naturalism was actually dictated and directed by the vestigial remains of its own personal idealism.
Lest this be taken in a mechanistic, totally deterministic fashion, I need to point out that another cardinal tenet of process - relational thought is creative freedom.
Rolston laments that many influenced by the mechanistic worldview of industrial civilizations think of nonhuman nature as something devoid of value until assigned importance by human beings.
I think he would agree that the old - fashioned «talking cure» is a more humane and humanistic approach to therapy than the mechanistic, neurobiological, pharmaco - centric psychiatric regime of our day.
The primary answer is that modernist thinking assumes the validity of Darwinian evolution, which explains the origin of humans and other living systems by an entirely mechanistic process that excludes in principle any role for a Creator.
I did not understand him to be equating Freudian therapy with modern neuroscience; I thought, rather, that he took his own distaste for what he sees as certain mystifications in the former as a point de départ for reflections on a deterministic and mechanistic philosophy he finds even more distasteful.
The individualistic, mechanistic understanding of psychology we can now see as flawed; our freedom is more socially or politically or Historically conditioned than our Founders thought.
And Whitehead says that he does not think it is inevitable that the human mind spatializes, though it often does this, and when it does, one way or another, whether through partiality or something else, it deforms the object of knowledge and of experience... [But] Bergson believed that, at least to some significant degree, the spatializing tendencies of the human intellect and of human intelligence, can be overcome by a biology and a physics that is less mechanistic.
The thought of the Western world for the past two hundred years has been dominated by a mechanistic view of the nature of reality.
In fact, Russell thinks that the death of Whitehead's younger son, Eric, in air combat in 1918, significantly shifted his views: «The pain of this loss had a great deal to do with turning his thoughts, to philosophy and with causing him to seek ways of escaping from belief in a merely mechanistic universe.»
Process thought has filled the gap that mechanistic determinism could not fill.
In its encounter with the sciences, process thought has not only appropriated new scientific insights but has attempted a mutual transformation through which the sciences are liberated from the dominance of the mechanistic, deterministic, substantialist view into a holistic relational vision that is more coherent, consistent, adequate to the facts, and congruent with the best in the contemporary scientific enterprise itself.
The analogies with which we most satisfactorily think of Him can not be derived from that which is mechanistic or static (CSR 399 - 401).
Yet there always has been a stream of thought and life that rejected the mechanistic worldview.
It seems to me, therefore, that the metaphysical background of process thought is far more germane to the evolutionary picture provided by biology than is the mechanistic philosophy, implicit or explicit, that so often accompanies evolutionary theory.
The metaphysical background of process thought is far more germane to the evolutionary picture provided by biology than is the mechanistic philosophy.
All thought and all that happens on this earth were finally related to God and redeemed by Christ, but with the emergence of the industrial world, mechanistic compart - mentalization separated interconnected parts of society and set religion in a corner.
It will be a gentler world, one more attuned to feeling than to thinking, to the personal than to the mechanistic.
A mechanistic brain physiologist thinks of the brain in terms of the circuits in a complex computer.
So many of our grandparents and parents were influenced by this mechanistic train of thought, pressured by the experts to believe that if they picked up their babies when they cried that that they would create a tyrant of a child and become enslaved.
The government wants a mechanistic way of describing how something hits the central nervous system and then affects mood and thought, but there's no way of documenting that without resorting to talk of «brain» and «mind», and even if there was, plenty of substances we don't want to target - like taurine, nutmeg or incense - would be covered by it too.
When he saw their ad for a mechanistic chemist to help them with elucidating what the reaction mechanisms were, he thought it sounded very interesting.
I was always fascinated by physics, especially modern physics as it moved away from the mechanistic world of classical physics into the quantum world, and I found mathematics, especially pure mathematics, a very demanding and challenging subject that requires considerable powers of abstract thought and reasoning.
I moved here six years ago because biomedical research had allowed us to think about disease in very mechanistic terms and the rationality of the design of medications to treat diseases.
Sweeney found that the mechanistic answers that Pinker offered about the mind — the brain - based mechanisms of thought and consciousness being discovered by modern neuroscience — inspired her to replace her Catholic faith with science's empirical skepticism, which she finds, after many hilarious detours, «a much more powerful and reliable tool for understanding the world.»
We've got big brains that make it possible for us to think, and we think that we have free will and that our behavior can't be described by some mechanistic set of theorems or ideas.
That's why I think the mechanistic studies are so important to try to only target the TGF - beta receptor signaling in the primary cilia but not in other parts of the body,» says Ogretmen.
«We currently think that peripheral, age - related hearing loss could contribute to cognitive decline and dementia through two mechanistic pathways — social isolation and cognitive load,» he says.
I think that this investment has accelerated to the pace of research in the field of glaucoma; the number of publications that are really focusing on these mechanistic insights have just exploded in the last ten years, so this investment by Glaucoma Research Foundation was really a catalyst that allowed us to dig in deeper to understanding what's actually happening in the disease as the disease is progressing.
While this way of thinking isn't particularly mechanistic, and not easily decoded, we are holistic beings, and our physical health affects our emotional state, and vice versa.
The purpose of Yin yoga is to take us out of the systems of social convention indoctrination, and mechanistic ways of thinking, not to reinforce them by demanding conformity to rigid, limited paradigms.
With the significant funds made available by Exxon - Mobil and others for debunking what they call junk science, you might think that some persuasive mechanistic theories and testable predictions would be forthcoming.
In the climate arena, I think for too long, people have used numbers like «two degrees» or «350» to give a kind of mechanistic determinant to what needs to be done, when, in fact, when you look behind those numbers, it really is much more about choices.
We don't know that for a fact in the real data, but to believe that they do on the basis of thinking you see such patterns (and with no reasonable mechanistic explanation) is sort of like continuing to believe Yuri Geller can bend spoons with his mind after James Randi has clearly demonstrated how he can just as convincingly bend spoons using slight - of - hand.
I think part of the issue is that he has a mechanistic view of the world and does not understand complex systems with feedbacks.
«I think the rules are more mechanistic than they need to be, but in practice, courts have been able to figure it out,» says Francis.
While Gestalt thinking about field theory has a tremendous amount to offer other psychological disciplines in softening their overly dualistic / objectivist / mechanistic perspectives, if it goes too far, it will fail to find «common ground», simply argue for one «side» of a duality over another, and stay on the outside, looking in with mutual judgment and rejection.
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