Sentences with phrase «mechanistic view of»

I think part of the issue is that he has a mechanistic view of the world and does not understand complex systems with feedbacks.
We just talked about the mechanistic view of how intestinal calcium absorption compensates for any potential loss in the urine, but there are a lot of other ways to look at it, too.
It's the nagging persistence of a mechanistic view of humanity that troubles Church officials.
In the past few decades, however, this view has come under attack, as scientists and philosophers increasingly adopt a mechanistic view of the universe, in which physical laws govern our every move and choice.
Christian theology wedded itself to the mechanistic view of nature and supported the research it inspired.
Although many «conservative» Christians seem to be committed to the mechanistic view of nature with the accompanying «supernaturalism» which separates God from the world, what they are conserving has little to do with the Bible.
But the mechanistic view of nature in deism can itself be challenged, as we will see, from the standpoint of post-Newtonian science.
The worldview that has been increasingly dominant since the seventeenth century, due to the work of Galileo, Descartes, Boyle, Newton and others is a mechanistic view of nature.
The interesting question for us is why it is that the church in the West in the sixteenth century and ever since opted with the majority for the mechanistic view of the universe, particularly in view of the fact that the organic view is in many ways more supportive of Christian faith than the victorious mechanistic view.
What is really surprising in retrospect is the way in which the Christian church lined itself almost exclusively with the mechanistic view of the universe.
The French priest Marin Mersenne was Descartes» chief correspondent and his forerunner in advocating a mechanistic view of nature.
The importance of all this is that the origin of modern science was not dependent upon a mechanistic view of the world.
A too mechanistic view of reality is my basic objection to all forms of dialectic.
The goal of therapy within Bateson's view of mind would be to increase our aesthetic resonance with the unity of contexts, transforming our consciousness from a linear, mechanistic view of reality to one governed by the aesthetics of patterns.
The thought of the Western world for the past two hundred years has been dominated by a mechanistic view of the nature of reality.
This offers an alternative to the mechanistic view of the nature of reality, and substitutes creativity in place of determinism.
A mechanistic view of nature presupposed causes as necessary relations.
Instead of a mechanistic view of the universe, the process - relational understanding is holistic and ecological, seeing the world as dynamic, creative, throbbing, pulsating with energy, interrelated and interdependent.
Quantum theory overthrew the deterministic and mechanistic view of the 18th century and made people think that matter moves at random in unpredictable ways.
... Capitalizing on the semiotic potential, heightened emotion, and the liminality of the birth itself, midwives seek to overturn mechanistic views of the faulty female body in need of medical management, replacing them with the language of connection, celebration, power, transformation, and mothers and babies as inseparable units.

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(4) Descriptions of evolutionary mechanisms also share in the mechanistic and materialistic biases of science — which easily becomes translated into materialism as a world view.
Then there is the other issue of some people selling the mechanistic view short and claiming it somehow cheapens our experience of the world.
This abandonment of the intellectual task of understanding the world is as detrimental to society as was the mechanistic view that it partly replaced.
Although this doesn't take one out of the mechanistic view, one can't then necessarily jump to the claim that a God must have started it all.
Much of the criticism of the mechanistic view comes form people with an agenda (to argue for the existence of a supreme being).
On the one hand, certain zones of experience are viewed as impermeable to mechanistic explanation (poetry or religious inspiration, for example) and are thus simply excluded from relevance.
reflects the impact of dehumanizing social forces and reductionistic (and mechanistic) views of man which are among the causes of psychopathology.
There is no «problem of evil» for this mechanistic and deterministic view of the world, for the place of God is finally taken altogether by blind chance, causality, and impersonal law.
The mechanistic view conceived of reality as consisting in the least common denominator — a non-living, non-valuing and non-mental particle.
An over-arching reason for experimenting with process philosophy as a contribution to feminist construction of a new view of relations is that it provides a cosmology radically different from dominant mechanistic and patriarchal world views.
However, most important for our immediate purposes, the view that there are limitations on both mechanistic and teleological causal explanations of creative events is expressed in Peirce's own writings.
In the dominant mechanistic view, the information stored in a DNA molecule was seen as totally determinative of the future development of the organism.
Recognizing the need for liberation from inward and outward sources of oppression, it also proposes a liberating vision free from the suffocating constraints of the mechanistic, deterministic, substantialist view of reality, it is all the more remarkable in having been written by two professional theologians, although one of them, to be sure, is a professional biologist.
In fact, Russell thinks that the death of Whitehead's younger son, Eric, in air combat in 1918, significantly shifted his views: «The pain of this loss had a great deal to do with turning his thoughts, to philosophy and with causing him to seek ways of escaping from belief in a merely mechanistic universe.»
If indeterminacy is an objective feature of reality, contrary to the mechanistic, deterministic view, there is real potentiality and novelty in the universe.
Each of these approaches bifurcated the relation between science and religion, and adopted the dominant mechanistic, deterministic, substantialist view of reality.
In the mechanistic, deterministic, substantialist view, laws of nature are inflexible, static, and inviolable.
In its encounter with the sciences, process thought has not only appropriated new scientific insights but has attempted a mutual transformation through which the sciences are liberated from the dominance of the mechanistic, deterministic, substantialist view into a holistic relational vision that is more coherent, consistent, adequate to the facts, and congruent with the best in the contemporary scientific enterprise itself.
What the mechanistic view fails to account for adequately is our common experience of subjectivity.
They have in their undertone the mechanistic world - view that suggests that a good society must function like a machine whose operation is controlled by the laws of nature» (pp. 44 - 5).
A mechanistic perspective entails viewing the world in the image of a machine.
Referring particularly to the rise of the mechanistic view in the sixteenth century, Griffin (1986) says
Indeed, as Harvey Sindima's essay in this book attests, mechanistic views have contributed to the threatened destruction of the earth not only in the West but also in Africa.
The church opted for the mechanistic model of the universe, though in many respects the organic view would have been much more supportive of Christian faith.
The processes of nature are regarded by the mechanistic view as being a relation of cause and effect, which is a relation of equivalence, energy and momentum remaining constant; causality implies quantitative equivalence.
Much in the experience of Blacks, of Latin Americans, of Africans, of Hindus, and of Buddhists, as well as of women, favors this ecological view of nature against the mechanistic one.
The implications of such a view may be much more disturbing to traditional Christianity, but they must not be confused with those of an earlier mechanistic naturalism.
In this paper I will try to show that the world view of process cosmology is reasonable from the standpoint of ordinary mechanistic, reductionistic science.
Dan Jones's article (16 April, p 32) explores whether a mechanistic, and therefore deterministic, view of what we are degrades...
There are no absolute values in the whole blind tragedy of mechanistic Nature — nothing is either good or bad except as judged from an absurdly limited point of view.
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