Sentences with phrase «meddling kids»

Our 2 boys are big into Scooby these days and my husband and I were just commenting that the show always ends with that same «meddling kids» quote — HA!
And the words» and I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and that mountainf climbing dog of yours!»
Again, if they reported that he definitely did it, and the jury did not find guilt because Meddling Kids and a Dog interfered in the chain of custody of the evidence to put reasonable doubt, then Caswell goes free... and can now sue the paper (not the reporter... he wants the money) then that's going to be a bad day.
Since Mr. Jenkins is not known until I publish the story so his forced entry into the public stage is impugning his good character and calling down a gaggle of meddling kids and their dogs to his property, I can be sued for defamation by Mr. Jenkins and he would not have to prove malice intent on my part.
But as meddling kids and their brash pets are oft to do, they soon begin an unlikely friendship, and find themselves at the center of a dangerous crime.
Why God, WHY did you forget to clean up that pesky fossil record??? You could have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their dog!
And he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for his meddling kid (an excellent turn by youngster Noah Jupe).

Not exact matches

If you didn't know better, you'd think Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue had just overturned the entire Healthy, Hunger - Free Kids Act (HHFKA) in a humiliating defeat for that meddling Food Nanny, Michelle Obama.
Meddling parents or in - laws can be the bane of a young person's existence, and that is never truer than when the kids are new parents.
Anyway, if you're as annoyed by ignorant meddling as I am, or you're worried about being accosted the next time you nurse your kid in public, or spend a lot of time participating in internet comment threads about breastfeeding, here's a cheat sheet for responding to comments you're likely to encounter.
I Meddled Again,» «You're So Vain, You Probably Think This Zit is About You,» «New Kid in School,» «More Than a Zombie to Me,» «Good Golly, Miss Dolly,» «Torn Between Two Hannahs,» «People Who Meet People,» «Money for Nothing, Guilt for Free,» «Debt it Be,» «My Boyfriend's Jackson And There's Gon na Be Some Trouble,» «We Are Family — Now Get Me a Water!
Bush et al. are now beautifully positioned to say, «We think the Common Core is good for our kids and our country, and that» s why we» re full - throated supporters — but that» s also why we need to protect it from federal overreach or partisan meddling by a Democratic administration.»
«And I would have gotten away with it, too... if it weren't for those meddling Writer Beware kids and their blog!»
Parental involvement should decrease relative to a child's age, which means that constant meddling in an adolescent's school assignments is age - inappropriate, and parents would do better leaving their older kids to take the initiative and learn the consequences of not getting things done on time or preparing adequately.
Or, how your in - laws meddle and wan to influence how you raise your kids.
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