Sentences with phrase «media impacts reputation»

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The researchers found evidence that the impact of consumers» exposure to a company's social media activities is strengthened by the level of «human voice» in the online communication of companies, and that this results in a positive effect on a company's reputation.
In retrospect, Valeant's underlying businesses were not sufficiently durable to withstand the impact of the reputational damage caused by the stock price decline, negative media attention, and its impact on employee morale, retention, recruitment and the reputation of the company.
Our experiences and surmises are remarkably similar: you think Dr. Bengtsson did what he did upon realizing he'd endangered his reputation and with it exposed himself to increased opposition from those who would now realize what he stands for; that he understood better how his free choice would impact his ability to gain the respectability of being published by respectable publishers; that he figured out the grant opportunities gained by open alliance with the tax - free «educational charity» that has a surprising amount of money for media campaigns and spectacle would not balance the grants he'd lose from people who consider association with a transparent tax fraud scheme a bad thing; and, ultimately that he had betrayed the trust of his valued colleagues by exposing them to such scandal.
Social media needs to be discussed with all clients, or at least all who are economically active as its use can have a serious impact on anyone with a professional or business reputation to maintain; quite simply, irresponsible posts or tweets could cause irrevocable career or business damage.
You have likely already been warned about the potential impact of your social media involvement on your professional reputation.
Advising on the impact of social media and reputation protection for both companies and individuals, including securing a written published apology from a leading financial newspaper.
Websites, blogs, social media profiles, videos, podcasts, and interviews directly impact your visibility and reputation.
Social media is all fun and games, until it results in a poor online reputation that negatively impacts your job search!
I can't keep up with my ongoing list of posts to tackle within relevant topics impacting today's executive job search — personal branding, resume and biography writing, LinkedIn and other social networking, online reputation management, social media, networking, interviewing, etc..
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