Sentences with phrase «media someone use»

It's interesting to watch the evolution of social media use in government... municipality, county, state and federal.
We offer our visitors excellent contemporary exhibitions, which reflect the constantly changing nature of visual art practice and the range of media used in the making of contemporary work.
Research on social media use in education indicates that network - based connections can enable powerful teacher learning opportunities.
A report this week on social media use by older adults has important implications for the legal profession — even though it never mentions the legal profession or any other profession.
Finding the right amount of social media use for your firm is always a challenge.
Avoid digital media use for children younger than 18 months to 24 months old (with the exception of video chatting).
One of the best and most important approaches to take in handling media use among children is for families to sit down together and create a family media agreement.
Studies have shown that excessive media use by children can lead to attention problems, school difficulties, sleep and eating disorders, and obesity.
A diversity of themes and perspectives is reflected in the different media used by the artists, including photography, film, painting, drawing, sound, video, sculpture and installation.
Healthy digital media use habits for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.
The research workshop offers a variety of methods to maximize children's learning and minimize potential harm through media use.
Extensive experience in developing for traditional and new media using a mix of traditional design techniques and computer aided techniques.
Researchers recommend doctors talk with parents about setting limits and actively monitoring media use.
However, until recently clinicians and researchers have not explored the implications of media use within romantic relationships.
Let's stay home and watch TV: The benefits of shared media use for close relationships.
When used in this way, the Internet is simply the next in an evolving line of communications media used to convey payment information.
In Western nations, the mainstream media used to be considered pretty reliable by the vast majority of the population.
For every half hour of mobile media use, a child's risk of language delay increased by about 50 percent.
None of these modes of social media use resulted in purely negative emotions, as reported by teens.
As social media use grows, the content generated by social media is reaching enormous amounts.
This profile will help you understand people with e-readers, in terms of demographics, their attitudes to various important issues, how they spend their leisure time and what media they use.
In a new trend, the share of scientists who believe their careers can be advanced by media coverage and social media use increased from 37 percent in 2009 to 43 percent in 2014.
Get input from customers for articles, blog posts... whatever media you use to communicate with your customers and your industry.
Once kids reach the 45 - minute mark, media use begins to affect their sleep habits and performance in school.
Would you then be surprised that the average child today engages in at least 7 hours per day of entertainment media use (TV, cell phone, computer, tablet, etc)?
It is designed to serve as a tool for guiding parents and professionals in making informed decisions about screen media use.
Previous research has indicated that it is common for couples to experience conflict over media use.
However, the researchers also found that passive social media use led to lower levels of well - being if that person had been alone earlier in the day.
Researchers found that social media use varied when students were using it specifically for academic purposes like sharing course information with peers or tracking down academic information.
I have good knowledge of various media used for advertisement and promotional events.
As artistic media she uses paintings, drawings, collages, audio pieces, video sculptures, objects, and artist's books.
Effective social media use offers you instant access to your clients and industry peers, allowing them to comment on your services offered or business practices in real time.
These elements of your brand identity should be used in all forms of promotional and marketing media you use.
Social media use directly activates the areas of the brain linked to pleasure.
Since its founding more than 20 years ago Odyssey has been a recognized leader in understanding how technology changes consumer media use habits.
We'll explore how to encourage autonomy, cultivate resilience, and manage media use.
Two bacterial colonies fighting on solid media using toxins.
The students self - reported on their social behaviors and media use twice, at the beginning and the end of one year.
Check in with yourself regularly and ask if your social media use feels balanced and joyful or if it's starting to cause stress.
Whether it's a video, commercial, or app, different forms of digital media use unique conventions to keep us engaged.
I see benefits in attending to more specific and, perhaps, actionable questions, like when, and why, and for whom certain kinds of social media use pose opportunities or risks.
Although many respondents commented on creative youth media use, there were reports of cyber bullying and cyber harassment.
My own social media use transformed from getting information from professional organizations to connecting and contributing in a variety of ways.
In addition, it is helpful to include periodic trends regarding demographics, consumer behavior analysis, media use strategy, etc..
Important factor if primary use will be for video consumption vs. web browsing... especially with the ability to store media using external storage (travellers using tablet to view media).
They posted them on social media using collages like this.
The purpose of the offline media use is to drive consumers to a website or phone number and use the information to track results.
Creative social media use gives job seekers a way to beat the odds.
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