Sentences with phrase «media usage during»

Despite including the phrase «These rules apply to jurors the same as they apply to the parties and to me,» in an admonition to the jury about social media usage during trial, Texas Judge Michelle Slaughter disregarded her own warning while presiding over the hotly contested «boy in the box» case of 2015.
It's also wise to set some ground rules to moderate social media usage during the online training session.
Just as we did with our Sex Advice section, we will discuss a wide variety of subjects relating to dating advice, including: the pitfalls of dating an «instababe», social media usage during dating, the new «love bombing» phenomenon, the trials and tribulations of dating in college, and more!

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FAST ® consists of tankage packed with completely submerged media which creates a high surface area - to - volume ratio, which, combined with internal settling zones, maintains constant bacterial growth during low - flow and peak usage periods typical of many remote installations.
However, during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, the regulations were loosened and there was a surge in mobile dating and social media usage.
Typical daily usage during our review time included a couple of hours of Spotify streaming, an hour of gaming, a healthy dose of email and social media action and a number of phone calls throughout the day.
The phones can restrict a child's time online, block unsuitable content, manage social media apps, block usage during specific times and enable geofencing.
Thanks to their widespread usage, you may have come to associate the most popular social media sites, like LinkedIn and Facebook, as either purely for socialization and fun, or are simply skeptical as to whether they can really help you during your job search.
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