Sentences with phrase «medial preoptic»

Around the time of birth in most mammals, changes to the hormonal milieu including fluctuating levels of estrogen, 19,20 progesterone19, 20, prolactin21 and oxytocin22 trigger a cascade of neurological adaptations that result in typical maternal behaviour.23 Numan, and colleagues,24 - 29 have demonstrated that the neurobiology of mothering in rodents relies heavily on projections from the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, as well as fibres from surrounding sensory, limbic and cortical systems.
Moreover, they have shown that, through differential patterns of DNA methylation of the promoter region and thereby differential expression of the estrogen receptor alpha gene in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) of the brain, this individual variation of early experience influences adult reproductive behaviour, suggesting a mechanism for intergenerational transmission of the pattern of maternal care [137, 138].
She has explored this theory using «tracer» molecules that follow the paths of brain cells to see how one brain area connects to another, watching as the medial preoptic area extends into the song control areas.
Riters is confident that the medial preoptic area — and the hormones that circulate in it — create motivation to warble.
Sexual responses of the male rat medial preoptic area and medial amygdala to estrogen: site specific reduction of estrogen receptor alpha.
Been LE, Petrulis A. Chemosensory and hormone information are relayed directly between the medial amygdala, posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and medial preoptic area in male Syrian hamsters.
Gutzler, S.J., Karom, M. Erwin, W.D., and Albers, H.E. Seasonal regulation of social communication by photoperiod and testosterone: effects of arginine - vasopressi, serotonin, and galanin in the medial preoptic area - anterior hypothalamus.
In the study, Stuber and colleagues examined the medial preoptic area (mPOA) of the brain.
These are neurotensin cells in the medial preoptic brain area, imaged by Jenna McHenry, PhD, through a 2 - photon microscope attached to a live mouse.
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