Sentences with phrase «median length»

Length of Stay — There isn't one average or median length of stay that's right for every sheltering organization or for every animal.
Median length of illness was two years (range 0.5 — 5).
The median length for headlines on Facebook ads are only 5 words.
«In the course of the disease progression, cirrhosis may lead to HCC, the prognosis for which is extremely poor — the median length of survival is approximately 12 - 15 months.
The median length of stay for patients was 12.5 days and the median direct cost for each patient was $ 26,304.
The median length of hospitalization was 2.8 days in the general anesthesia group and 2.6 days in the neuraxial and neuraxial / general combined groups.
The authors note that with a median length of a physician visit of less than 15 minutes, there is little time to address the root causes of many chronic diseases, such as poor nutrition and physical inactivity.
The median length for both the Ensembl OR and V1R gene models is about 950 nucleotides, while the corresponding reconstructed gene models are now around 2,500 nt long.
Among students who defaulted within 12 years, the median length to default once in repayment was 2.1 years for the earlier cohort but 2.8 years for the more recent cohort.
The Pew study «found that the median length of the account agreement and fee schedule at the 36 banks studied was 43 pages — and that doesn't include the pages that describe the product» (Today Money).
As of June 2014, the median length of unemployment was 13.1 weeks, which equates to just over 3 months.
The median length of stay for dogs labeled «Pit Bull» was 30 days.
The median length of uncontested divorces was just 120 days, compared with 490 days for contested ones.
According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the median length of a short term disability coverage is 26 weeks.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — the average length of unemployment was 37 weeks in August 2013, the median length came to 16.4 weeks, and 37.9 % of the unemployed were out of a job for 27 weeks or more.
(The median length of marriage was 33 years.)
The median length of family therapy is just 12 sessions, and 65 % of cases are completed within 20 sessions.
The median length of home ownership is pushing 10 years now anyway, which is up from 7 years not that long ago
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