Sentences with phrase «mediated encephalitis»

Smaller breed, younger to middle aged dogs appear more predisposed to immune - mediated encephalitis than larger breeds.
The triggers of immune - mediated encephalitis in dogs are poorly understood.

Not exact matches

Toll - like receptor 3 mediates West Nile virus entry into the brain causing lethal encephalitis.
Insulin - like growth factor - I — forkhead box O transcription factor 3a counteracts high glucose / tumor necrosis factor - α - mediated neuronal damage: Implications for human immunodeficiency virus encephalitis.
Immune - mediated and infectious diseases of the brain (meningitis and encephalitis including MUO / MUE, GME, NME / NLE)
«So what have I seen — anaphylactic reactions, encephalitis - like symptoms, behaviour changes, immune — mediated diseases including autoimmune hemolytic anemia, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, immune mediated meningitis / vasculitis, inflammatory bowel disease and other digestive disorders, lower urinary tract disease in cats, skin tumors, cancer, chronic skin problems, chronic ear inflammation.
This inflammation can be caused by infection of the brain (bacterial, viral, fungal and parasites are examples of infectious causes of encephalitis) or can be immune - mediated; which means the body's immune system is malfunctioning and creating abnormal inflammation for reasons we do not fully understand.
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