Sentences with phrase «mediation effects through»

Path analyses also tested for possible mediation effects through positive emotions for Hypotheses 4 and 9.
As shown in Table 5, a path analysis indicated a partial mediation effect through positive emotions.

Not exact matches

The discussion thus far has left open the possibility that events that are really present have their effect only through the mediation of temporally intervening events.
In this way too, the universal effect of Jesus» death is seen through God's mediation.
If these fractures remedy transparent mediation with immediate obstruction, the various interference patterns and suprematist graphics populating the multiple screens and projections do the same: shapes open like curtains or obstruct a view of the video's narrative, making certain images more present through their «redaction» (Huffman's term for this effect).
Demonizing the parent can have disastrous effects on the entire family system, and cooperative solutions, sometimes achieved through mediation, can benefit everyone.
Mediation analysis is a statistical method to test underlying mechanisms through which a predictor affects an outcome by estimating direct and indirect effects (Cheong & MacKinnon, 2012; Hayes, 2013).
A possible mediation effect was tested for overall social support through overall positive emotions.
Divorce Mediation at our mediation center involves working with a mediator to assist you through the discussion of important issues that effect your life and your familyMediation at our mediation center involves working with a mediator to assist you through the discussion of important issues that effect your life and your familymediation center involves working with a mediator to assist you through the discussion of important issues that effect your life and your family's lives.
Additionally, mediation of PDFY's effect on depressive symptoms through reduced poly - substance use was tested; the indirect effect was only marginally significant for participants in the control group.
In support of the final hypothesis, the mediation analysis showed a small indirect effect from maternal depressive symptoms to child depressive symptoms through emotional availability and child social skills.
Long - term effects of a universal family intervention: mediation through parent - adolescent conflict.
Bootstrapped mediation analyses testing the indirect effect of the gender imbalance reminder on the perceived organizational support for family - friendly policies via stereotype threat revealed that the indirect effects of the gender imbalance reminder through stereotype threat was significant (IE = -0.09, SE = 0.05, 95 % CI: -0.23, -0.02) 4.
Although mediation did not hold for gender and HbA1C because of the lack of a univariate relationship between these two variables, there were likely indirect effects of gender on HbA1C through the avenue of externalizing symptoms.
However, the additional, exploratory mediation analysis does not support an indirect effect of maternal internalizing on maladaptive ER through IS.
As a result, gender role attitudes demonstrate direct and indirect effects on depression through mediation of self - esteem and family life satisfaction.
No statistical support for formal mediation of organizational effects through adherence was found, though examination of changes in parameter estimates suggest a possible interplay of organizational climate with adherence and youth behavior change.
Multiple mediation analyses employed a bootstrapping approach to test the significance of the indirect effect of the independent variable (IV; personality traits) on the outcome variable (DV; EWB) through the mediator (M; fALFF of brain regions), which was calculated as the product of the effect of IV on M and that of M on DV.
Although the effect of maternal depressive symptoms on child peer preference was mediated both through children's emotion regulation and maternal warmth, the mediation was not complete.
An amicable mediation can also ensure you and your spouse do not harbor any animosity or resentment after the divorce, which is an unfortunate side effect of hiring separate attorneys and taking your divorce through the litigation process.
Results support a mediation model wherein inductive and physical discipline may influence the expression of boys» externalizing behavior through effects on conscience.
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