Sentences with phrase «medical causes»

A thorough physical examination by your veterinarian will eliminate possible medical causes for these behaviors.
Your vet will diagnose arthritis in your cat based on your description of his behavior, x-rays and by ruling out any other medical causes of his symptoms.
I also do want you to rule out any possible underlying medical causes with your pediatrician.
Also, talk to your vet to rule out possible medical causes for your dog's marking behavior, particularly if it appeared suddenly.
If your baby is displaying teething symptoms, take her to her physician to rule out other medical causes and to get advice on how you can minimize discomfort.
The most common medical cause for obesity in dogs is hypothyroidism.
Ask your veterinarian to rule out common medical causes before you assume your cat's aggression is strictly behavioral.
Identify the Cause Once medical causes have been ruled out, your detective work begins.
The health class assumes the individual has reached age 16, follows the direction of their physician for the handling of their epilepsy and there are no serious medical causes for the condition.
Your veterinarian can determine your pet's body condition, any potential medical causes for the weight gain, appropriate methods of weight loss and reasonable weight loss goals.
Kids who have pain from a serious medical cause don't like to be handled because movement can make the pain worse.
I've seen many bad dogs become good dogs after medical causes were diagnosed and treated.
Have blood work and a physical examination done on your pet to rule out medical causes of obesity.
One crucial piece of false information can be blamed for the vast majority of low milk supply issues in the absence of a documented medical cause.
As a general rule of thumb, any dog attacking unexpectedly, should be seen by a veterinarian to exclude medical causes before assuming the cause is behavioral.
As already mentioned, some dogs may be suffering from underlying medical causes such as urinary tract infections and gastrointestinal problems.
There is more information on the possible medical causes below.
There can be medical causes due to diet, toxic exposures, and infections.
Of course, try this only after all medical causes have been ruled out.
Thank you for this excellent discussion, which contrasts so much with the current medical cause and effect, quick fix model.
With so little study behind medical causes of behavior change, sometimes we just have to go with our gut and hope we find something.
If your cat is displaying a change in litter box habits, there could be an underlying medical cause so be sure to consult with your veterinarian.
Once medical causes have been ruled out or managed, behavioral causes can then be explored and addressed.
Because there can be medical causes for aggression in dogs, it is imperative to have a veterinarian assess a dog displaying unusual aggressive behaviors, especially when they appear out of the blue.
Next, a complete physical examination is done to identify diseases that may contribute to the problem, and laboratory tests are performed to confirm or rule out medical causes of the behavior.
Kids who have pain from a serious medical cause don't like to be handled because movement can make the pain worse.
If you continue to have problems or suspect a medical condition, please visit your veterinarian to rule out any possible medical cause such as a urinary tract infection.
If you have any doubt, you should always bring your cat to a vet to rule out any possible medical causes of stress.
After medical causes are addressed, if the problem persists, there are behavior modification protocols and medications that can maintain safety and restore harmony to everyone's life.
However, if your cat is not urinating where he / she should be or has other behavioral issues without an identifiable medical cause, then chances are he / she is being stressed by something.
At the clinic, we aim to identify and treat medical causes of infant crying, discuss normal infant sleep and crying patterns, offer parents management strategies to encourage infant settling, help parents to better cope with infant crying, mobilise support for parents and screen for postnatal depression.
Please see our article on Medical Causes of House Soiling in Cats for a detailed overview of medical problems that can cause or contribute to litter box issues.
The ASPCA lists several medical causes known to contribute to house soiling problems in dogs.
The iPad is a recognized tool of therapy for folks with medical causes that hampers their ability to communicate.
«We hope to also conduct a post-mortem examination on the body so we can get a better medical cause of death so that will assist us in the investigation,» ASP Tetteh added.
However, other medical causes account for less than 5 % of infants presenting to their doctor with excessive crying.
Only around 5 % of those babies who see a doctor because of «excessive crying» will have another underlying organic medical cause.
«Patients who appear to have certain somatic disorders — illnesses for which there is no detectable medical cause and which physicians may consider to be imagined by the patient — may instead have a genetic propensity to develop a series of real, related illnesses,» says Dr. Coplan, an expert in neuropsychopharmacology.
Menopause PMS Insomnia Digestive Problems Blood Sugar Problems Metabolic syndrome Medical Causes of Depression and Anxiety Vitamin D Deficiency
If nothing we've mentioned so far seems to ring a bell, but you're seeing changes to your personal «normal,» physically or sexually, it may be best to start considering medical causes — that includes hormone imbalances like low testosterone.
The following blog is from Mark J. Kubala, MD, FAANS, FACS, author of «The Execution of Jesus the Christ: The Medical Cause of Our Lord's Death During His Illegal Crucifixion».
While periodic bouts of constipation are common among domestic cats, it's possible that dehydration (and some accompanying medical cause) may be involved.
Barring medical causes of weight gain and decreased metabolism, pet obesity is something that pet owners actually have control over.
If your dog continues to scoot after a manual expression, your vet may investigate alternative medical causes.
Feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) is a frequent medical cause of house - soiling.
If you are concerned about your cat, you should discuss options with your veterinarian as there are some other serious medical causes which may need to be ruled out rather than just switching diet.
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