Sentences with phrase «medical induction»

"Medical induction" refers to a method used by doctors to start or speed up the labor process in pregnant women when the baby is overdue or if there are complications. It involves using medication or medical techniques to initiate contractions and help the woman progress towards giving birth. Full definition
These methods range from the administration of drugs at early stages, through to «vacuum aspiration» and medical induction at the latter stages of the pregnancy.
While medical induction can be necessary, many of these cases are simply elective and induction alters the important and delicate hormones that occur during labor and birth.
So, despite inventions like medical inductions with oxytocin, preparedness for labor and delivery, plus putting up with 9 months of a baby in an oven can be null and void thanks to genetics.
The World Health Organization recommends limiting medical inductions to those that are truly required.
These can be natural induction methods (e.g. nipple stimulation, castor oil, etc.), medical induction methods (e.g. breaking the bag of water, Pitocin, etc.) or a combination of induction methods.
The natural ways to induce labor are safe, effective alternatives to invasive medical inductions but should only be used for valid reasons.
Studies have shown that women treated with acupuncture when overdue are less likely to require medical induction of labour (Rabl, 2001).
If you're overdue, or worried about being overdue, bear in mind that reflexology can't be used as a quick - fix last resort before a medical induction: a one - off treatment won't generally be enough.
Sometimes they suggest natural methods in the days leading up to medical induction.
Medical induction is done when either the mother or the baby need the pregnancy to be over for a reason, usually something physical in either one of them.
While not fool - proof, some women decide to avoid the medical induction (therefore limiting the associated interventions) by trying natural means of getting labor started.
They tried several methods to start labor without a medical induction with no success, so on July 12th, they went to the hospital f...
For similar reasons, medical inductions (ie those using oxytocin and / or prostaglandins) were excluded.
The data relate to pregnancies that received maternity care from one of fifteen hospitals in the former North West Thames Regional Health Authority Area in England, and which resulted in a live or stillbirth in the years 1988 — 2000 inclusive, excluding «high - risk» pregnancies, unplanned home births, pre-term births, elective Caesareans and medical inductions.
These are the risks and benefits of watchful waiting versus medical induction.
Sometimes if labor is induced too early, the baby can become distressed because of how mom reacts to medical induction and anxiety over delivery.
Induction treatments are preformed after 41 weeks and 2 days or performed 3 days prior to a medical induction; it is recommended you have acupuncture daily until you deliver
There are safer alternatives to medical induction.
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