Sentences with phrase «medical marijuana legislation»

Dean Skelos, who leads Republicans in the Senate, has opposed medical marijuana legislation in the past.
S 5629 is sponsored by Sen. Diane Savino (D - Staten Island) and co-sponsored by several senators, including Sen. Martin Golden (R - Brooklyn), who previously opposed medical marijuana legislation.
Rules Committee chairman has repeatedly blocked bipartisan medical marijuana legislation from floor vote
But even as the access seems to improve for those who qualify for the program, advocates, as well as the lawmakers who sponsored the initial medical marijuana legislation, continue to argue patients struggle unnecessarily to find doctors who can prescribe the drug.
Sen. Jeff Klein stops to speak with reporters after meeting with Gov. Andrew Cuomo about medical marijuana legislation.
Arkansas, Florida, Montana, and North Dakota passed medical marijuana legislation, bringing the number of legal medical marijuana states to 28 plus the District of Columbia That's more than half the country in which ganjapreneurs can soon start new businesses that will touch every aspect of the weed economy.
«I have great concerns with a policy that impedes patients» ability to access information about a legal medical treatment,» said Sen. Diane Savino, a Democrat from Staten Island and the lead sponsor of the medical marijuana legislation in the Senate.
But in an interview today with the public radio show «Capitol Pressroom,» Cuomo declared that medical marijuana legislation is not dead.
Hoping to «bridge the partisan divide,» he pointed to medical marijuana legislation he introduced with former Republican State Rep. David Brinkley who, like Raskin, is a cancer survivor, and a government spending transparency measure with Rep. Alex Mooney, R - W.
Deputy Senate Republican Leader Tom Libous expects the medical marijuana legislation working its way through the Senate and Assembly to change during negotiations.
In a further development, the medical marijuana legislation has been transferred from the Senate Finance Committee to the Senate Rules Committee, greatly improving the measure's chance of coming to the floor for a vote.
The fact that the vote will take place at all is something of a victory for the Brooklyn Democrat senator, who is the ranking minority member on the Codes Committee and tried last year to compel a vote through a parliamentary maneuver also employed by Sen. Diane Savino, an IDC member, to circumvent the chamber's leadership to get a vote on her medical marijuana legislation.
UPDATE — Staten Island Sen. Diane Savino, sponsor of the medical marijuana legislation, rejected the notion of approving only the «oil» form of the drug, arguing that smoking the drug provides the quickest relief for many seriously ill patients.
Medical marijuana legislation has repeatedly passed the Democrat - controlled Assembly only to stall in the more conservative Senate.
Skelos said discussions are taking place with Sen. Diane Savino, who has sponsored medical marijuana legislation, about how to move the issue forward.
BY NATHAN RILEY In the closing hours of the legislative session, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed off on an approach to medical marijuana legislation that will allow its use under carefully controlled circumstances.
Medical marijuana legislation sponsors Sen. Diane Savino and Assemblyman Richard Gottfried talk with reporters.
Next up: medical marijuana legislation.
While the courts are typically quieter during the summer months, there was no shortage of interesting criminal law news in the month of August: News: Canada announced changes to its medical marijuana legislation, passing the Access to Canabis for a Medical Purpose Regulations.
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