Sentences with phrase «meditating on things»

If you find yourself in this camp, it might be worth investing in a beautiful gratitude journal or simply meditating on things you're grateful for.
Then it is no longer necessary to meditate on those things I think I should do because they quasi pop up in my mind whenever He wants.
I'm interested in negotiations and then negotiations are things that have to happen in the moment, in real - time with real people, you know against the backdrop of real events and so it's the way in which you meditate on a thing is, to me it should always be informed by the moment in which you live, and the history that got us here.

Not exact matches

«From Thanksgiving through December, use that mind - body connection you find during your 55 minutes at the barre each day to meditate on one thing you're thankful for in your life.»
Research suggests there are some simple ways employees can boost their own happiness, like helping out co-workers, meditating for at least two minutes every day, and reflecting on three things to be grateful for at work.
You meditate, do you have a mentor that you lean on, what sorts of things you do to deal with some of the challenges that you're faced with?
me think you have not meditated enough on this heaven thing.
It involves studying the holy truths and meditating on the impurity of the passions: in meditating on friendliness — in order to destroy hate; in meditating on dependent origination — to disperse error; and, finally, in studying all the teachings concerned with the nature of things.
Reading that thing is NOT easy... thats why it stays in the closet and collects dust... i'd rather meditate and be present in the moment... its all we have anyway... The problem is we are taking SOO much time to discus what is going to happen when we die, that we don't take time to focus on how to live in THIS VERY MOMENT...
Jesus» religion was suffused with radiance and the whole New Testament reflects it, so that when I read such things as one medieval scholar said — «A young girl should never play; she should weep much and meditate on her sins» — I am sure that that is not only psychological nonsense but also very bad Christianity.
When I lie awake at night, it usually because I am trying to figure out a problem or reviewing things I need to take care of, or on occasion, if I can't sleep, meditating.
Brown had been curious enough about meditation to read up on it, and he wondered the same thing as everyone else: «How do you know if you're really meditating
As a psychological advantage, putting an «x» in your calendar after fulfilling your daily commitment will motivate you to keep going, especially on those days when the last thing you want to do is sit down to meditate.
Some people thing detoxing means spending hundreds of dollars on juice, wake up at 4 a.m. to meditate, quitting your job, or ignoring your family and social life to be healthy.
Take time to pray or meditate and try to focus on the positive aspects of your life and the things you are grateful for.
Meditate on faith, and ask for everything you need to love like crazy — first thing in the morning.
Without understanding that there is an orderly, scientific basis underneath all of these things, many people will simply remain skeptics, while on the opposite extreme, others may get the idea that you can sit around meditating and visualizing, then expect a mystical «law of attraction» to kick in and then «poof!»
Meditation can do so many wonderful things to relieve stress from the mind and body, and you don't have to sit on a mat with your hands crossed in silence to do meditate or practice mindfulness.
, and this breezy workout tank!I'm off to meditate on those bigger and better things on the horizon.
Lewis wrote, He's either a lunatic for making such outrageous claims, yet every other thing about his life was very sane.In addition, the Dead Sea Scrolls provide proof that the words we see in Scripture today are the same words written in the Bible thousands of years ago.God spoke through His people to write the Bible and it's still changing lives every single day for those who meditate on it.
It wants us to meditate on the beauty of things and the way that life can be languid.
The Natural Flow of Things is a group show curated by Tania Pardo that meditates on the most basic, contemplative acts of creation.
So I think and daydream and kind of like meditate and I get inspiration from the work that has already been made, then I look on my computer, I zoom around online, catching up with things and that's where the inspiration comes from.
«In this series of collage artwork, I pay attention to divine articulations of the Natural World by meditating on living things and air, soil, and water.»
A highlight of the exhibition is Canadian artist Annie MacDonell's The Shape of Time, Revisited (2012) in which she restores the wooden hand of an antique fortune telling mannequin while meditating on George Kubler's 1962 text The Shape of Time: Remarks on the History of Things.
But I don't think that qualifies as «pseudoscience,» which to me suggests such things as controversial hypotheses masquerading as self - evident assumptions («ordered complexity implies a designer»), or outright fallacies of inference and errors of fact, perhaps hidden behind familar jargon («in information - theoretic terms, evolution of the eye is impossible»), or cleverly disguised as well - established results from other sciences («quantum electrodynamics suggests that consciousness is the fundamental nature of reality, and so we don't need to age, and crime will be reduced if we meditate on it correctly»).
As you're reading this, I will be meditating and praying on these things and contemplating how I can do better in the upcoming year.
As stated in the Fast Company article, Why Happy Employees Are 12 % More Productive, «research suggests there are simple ways employees can boost their own happiness, like helping out co-workers, meditating for at least two minutes every day, and reflecting on three things to be grateful for at work.»
This could include meditating on a past job you liked even less, the stress you would be feeling financially if you didn't have this income coming in or how much worse things could be if your boss, CEO or coworkers were toxic.
They do not touch on the many things Jared did (such as building furniture with his dad or meditating hours a day at the ashram) that do not directly support his job objective.
Things you can do together: go on walks, drink tea, attend yoga class, any form of exercise, meditate, volunteer somewhere, watch a comedy and laugh your butt off, join a book club or other social groups.
I have been seeing a counselor for over a year (working on other things but now this is it), read numerous articles, I paint when I am struggling, I read voraciously (4 books in two weeks), I go to the gym (not as often as I used to — we worked out together), wrote a journal, joined a divorce meet - up group, and meditate.
At the same time if you walk around all day and purposely say positive things about yourself, spouse, children, life in general and your business, it is amazing how your outlook and mood fall in line with what you have been meditating on.
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