Sentences with phrase «medium ears set»

Mountain View Curs have a domed head, wide between the eyes, and short to medium ears set high on the head.

Not exact matches

You'll get 2 different sets of ear tips, large and medium, so you can get the perfect fit.
Ears — Erect, medium to large, set moderately low, broad at the base, tapering to a very slightly rounded tip.
Once seen in close - up (or even in a medium shot), Skelton Knaggs, with his outsized head, large eyes, and prominent ears, is seldom forgotten by filmgoers; for two decades, from the mid -»30s until his death in 1955, directors loved to use Skelton Knaggs to dress a horror set or establish a menacing mood in a thriller with his mere presence in a shot.
Bombays have medium size ears that are set wide apart on their rounded skull, the ears tilt forward slightly and have rounded tips.
Ears of medium size, triangular in shape, close fitting and set high on the head.
Ears — Small to medium in size, V - shaped with rounded tips, set on at eye level, normally carried low, flat, and close to the head.
Ears — V - shaped and carried close to the cheeks, set on wide and high, level with occiput and cheeks, giving a square appearance to the skull; darker in color than the body and medium in size.
Squarely proportioned, slightly higher at the withers than hips, with a slightly arched loin, he has high - set drop ears of medium length and a rather long, saber - like tail.
The ears are triangular, medium in size, set close to the head with softly rounded ends.
Head: Medium length, deep through, broad skull, very pronounced cheek muscles, distinct stop; and ears are set high.
Ears are of medium size, set well apart, one or both carried erect and / or semi-erect (varying from one - quarter to three - quarters of the ear erect).
Small to medium, slightly longer than tall, and built to follow a fox into its den underground and bark to be heard down there, the Jack Russell Terrier can vary in size but should always have a broad flat skull, a strong muzzle with big teeth, V - shaped ears that drop forward and lie close to the skull, and a straight, high - set tail that is normally docked.
Ears are medium - length, set high on the head and have a distinct fold.
The ears are large, deep, alert and medium set.
He's a medium - sized and square proportioned dog with head like an elongated wedge and ears erect and set low, with rounded tips.
They also have signature gorgeous low hanging ears, and their eyes are small and set between medium length hair.
Neatly laid out beneath are a selection of accessories, including three sets of ear gels, three sets of foam tips, and three sets of ear wings, each in large, medium, and small sizes.
To set up Amp, you'll plug in headphones and mark when you hear high, medium and low - frequency tones in each ear.
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