Sentences with phrase «medium games i mentioned»

It's hi - time the Boss forgives him that error and allow him to start these 2 medium games I mentioned above.

Not exact matches

When asked by a firm analyst why they were suddenly exploring digital cats, Weissman mentioned that the game was fun, the analyst relayed in a Medium post.
The game is going to be awesome either way:) PS I think what IHassounah mentioned seems like a brilliant way to approach it and create a happy medium.
You have mentioned a lot of valid points I totally agree, however I've been wondering if the ideas (or «mechanics») of those games i've mentioned couldn't be improved in some way to get further down the ideal of «a truely interactive medium», instead of trying to find completely new ways.
With so many convenient ways and better mediums to choose from, I'm not sure why Sanuk Games figured you'd be itching to boot up a dedicated video game console for a quick play session (not to mention pay $ 4.99 for the mundane experience).
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