Sentences with phrase «meet all claim obligations»

The reserve helps ensure that the company will be able to stay in business and meet all claim obligations over time.

Not exact matches

Government - provided capital should be subordinate only to depositor claims, if equity and bondholder capital ultimately proves insufficient to meet those obligations.
This will help when different filing dates or requirements apply for different taxes, for instance VAT obligations and income tax obligations · The ability to claim a reasonable excuse for failing to meet a filing obligation should be maintained · The facility for taxpayers to alert HMRC before the filing deadline that they are going to fail to meet the deadline, as is possible with Self - Assessment and have a reasonable excuse for that failure, should be considered · Penalties must always be subject to a right of appeal.
Pig farmers claim they are losing more than # 20 on each pig raised to slaughter, blamed on the soaring price of feed and the cost of meeting ethical obligations.
Years after the Kingston City School District joined seven other small - city school districts in suing the state for what plaintiffs claimed were funding inequities, a judge ruled this week that the state had met its «constitutional obligation» in providing those districts with enough money.
«The court concludes that the plaintiffs have failed to establish their claim that the state has not met its constitutional obligation to provide the students in the eight small city school districts with the opportunity for a sound, basic education,» O'Connor wrote in her ruling.
Who would insist that India should reduce this figure further, in line with rising population, when the US can claim to be meeting its international obligations by sticking close to its current per capita emissions of more than 5 tonnes?
The ability of the company you choose to meet financial obligations and pay claims should be a vital ingredient that goes into your final decision making process.
The investment strategy must enhance the ability to grow their insurance business and meet all of their policyholder claim obligations.
Governor Stephen Poloz has been claiming Canadas is at a «sweet spot» of the business cycle, where growing demand is actually generating new capacity as companies invest to meet sales, and that he has an «obligation» to nurture this process with stimulative borrowing costs.
Interplay had apparently not met their obligation toward Bethesda, even though the company claims it had.
Capacity, broadly defined, is a critical consideration in determining the ability of duty - bearers to meet their obligations and rights - holders to claim their rights.
They are a further reminder that those operating offshore are increasingly susceptible to both cross-border enforcement and personal claims, and should therefore exercise an abundance of caution in meeting all potentially applicable legal obligations.
The claim involves two lots totalling nearly 2,000 acres, and alleges that B.C. failed to meet its legal obligation to prevent settlers from pre-empting lands on these two lots and that Canada failed to meet its legal obligations to create reserves for the Band once B.C. entered Confederation in 1871.
As described in our earlier article on this subject, the MCT is a ratio calculation that compares the capital available (our net assets) to the capital we need to meet our financial obligations — i.e., claims costs.
Common disputes include: claims by the Owner that the Operator misrepresented the projections of the hotel's financial performance, and / or is mismanaging the hotel to such an extent it is causing a financial loss to the hotel; claims by the Operator that the Owner is not meeting its funding obligations under the HMA, and / or interfering in the management of the hotel making it impossible for the Operator to run the hotel.
The first step for a successful legal claim is to meet with us as part of a free, no - obligation initial consultation.
Ignore claims by your employer that their settlement offer meets or exceeds their legal obligations to you.
The claim alleged B.C. failed to meet its legal obligation to prevent settlers from pre-empting lands on these two lots, and Canada failed to meet its legal obligations to create reserves for the Band once B.C. entered Confederation in 1871.
The solicitors would then conduct the claims, with continuing obligations both to report claims for withdrawal of indemnity if they no longer met the criteria and to carry on the claim with reasonable skill and care.
6) To ensure that the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund (Fund) is sustainable over the long term and able to meet its future financial obligations, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario should establish a strategy and timetable for eliminating the Fund's growing unfunded liability over a reasonable time period and seek government approval to implement this plan.
They issue opinions on the life insurance company's ability to meet financial obligations such as paying death claims.
Legal Reserve The amount an insurance company must keep available to meet future claims and obligations.
A Financial Strength Rating is similar to a credit rating - but its created to measure an insurers ability to meet and pay claims and other obligations, its much more specific to insurers.»
Financial ratings are based on a company's ability to pay claims, meet other financial obligations and carry out superior operational performance.
Also they have over $ 30 billion in assets, and are rated A + by A.M. Best, their second best of 16 ratings, which means their ability to meet ongoing claims obligations is «superior», in the opinion of A.M. Best.
In order for life insurance companies to provide insurance coverage and pay claims, they must have large cash reserves, which are required by law, to meet all of their financial obligations.
They consider many factors to determine a rating which offers an expert opinion on an insurance company's ability to meet its financial obligations and pay out its claims.
Risk transference — by undertaking a reinsurance deal an insurance company can trade off aspects of the risks involved, possibly in cases where some of the risk does not fall directly into the normal areas of operating expertise or where the risk is too great for the insurance company to comfortably meet its obligations under a policy should a claim be made against it.
Lincoln National Life Insurance Company is financially sound and has the ability to meet financial obligations as well as pay any claims presented.
Financial stability is important for an insurance company in being able to meet financial obligations and pay any claims.
Usually, a life insurance company with a financial strength rating of «A» or better is considered to be safe, secure and able to meet its financial obligations and pay its claims.
The company is on solid financial ground, meaning it can meet its financial obligations, such as paying out a claim on life insurance.
The rating signifies that Mercury Insurance has a superior ability to meet its financial obligations, such as customer claims.
Mercury Insurance Group has superior financial strength ratings and customers can trust in the company's ability to be able to meet financial obligations and pay claims.
You can feel very confident that the company will meet all its financial obligations when it comes to paying out claims.
Claims - paying ability rating is an opinion of an operating insurance company's financial capacity to meet the obligations of it insurance policies in accordance with their terms.
Similar to above, it may indicate a company's ability to meet its ongoing claims obligations but is not a warranty.
Their ratings will tell you its long - term viability and its ability to meet its financial obligations — including your claim.
Financial Strength: Banner holds an A + financial rating with A.M. Best, which means their ability to meet ongoing claims obligations is «excellent» in the opinion of A.M. Best.
The financial rating is an indication of your insurance company's ability to meet their financial obligations, such as, paying their claims.
The rating indicates the insurer's ability to meet their financial obligations, and pay their claims.
The rating a life insurance company receives is an independent third party evaluation to help determine the ability of the insurance company to meet its financial obligations to the policyholder and be able to pay out future claims.
What this shows is that New York Life Insurance Company is very strong and stable when it comes to both meeting its current and its future financial obligations such as paying out its policy holder's claims.
Simply put, an insurer must be solvent in order for it to have sufficient funds to meet the obligations it faces under current and future claims that may be made against it.
«A need was felt by IRDAI to revisit various areas of the health insurance framework such as products, distribution, actuarial related matters like pricing, claims experience, solvency, M&A, rural and social obligations, etc., so that the entire processes are streamlined to cater to the growing demands of the market for health insurance and also to enable companies to gear up well for meeting such demands in terms of innovation and servicing capabilities,» said Ajay Bimbhet, managing director, Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance.
If an insurance company is not solvent it may no longer function as insurer for new policies and prospective clients would be unlikely to wish to take policies out with an insurer that couldn't meet its obligations in the event that they had to make a claim anyway.
This is also a good thing for policyholders as it ensures the long - term financial stability of an insurance company and suggests that they will be able to meet their obligations in the case of a rush of claims.
The higher the financial rating, the better able the insurance company to meet their financial obligations, and pay their claims.
Bottom Line: The Baltimore Life Insurance Company has been around since 1882 and has met their financial obligations (paid out claims) to their policyholders for the past 130 years.
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