Sentences with phrase «meet the threshold establishing»

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The Safety Equipment Institute certified that the helmet met the safety thresholds established by the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE), opening the door for its use in the NFL and NCAA.
GIG is finalizing a new study that establishes the number of gluten - containing grains that are allowed in non-gluten grains in order to meet the 10 ppm gluten threshold of GIG's gluten - free certification program, the Gluten - Free Certification Organization (GFCO).
IKEA, for example, only... MORE uses wood procured from sustainably managed and legally logged forests, and their pressed - wood products meet the low - formaldehyde thresholds established in Europe.
Excelsior, established in 2010, allows companies to receive 10 years of refundable tax credits for meeting job and investment thresholds.
Only one - third of patients newly diagnosed with PTSD and under a quarter of those with depression met these established thresholds.
Lower dosages did not generate responses that met this threshold, thereby establishing the minimum dose of influenza virus needed to produce mild - to - moderate illness.
Policymakers should establish empirically - driven thresholds and see if the private school sector is already meeting those thresholds before determining if any additional regulation is necessary.
A regulated exchange must establish position limits on security futures that are no greater than 13,500 (100 share) contracts, unless the underlying security meets certain volume and shares outstanding thresholds, in which case the limit may be increased to 22,500 (100 share) contracts.
He concluded that Fastcase failed to establish that the case met the amount - in - controversy threshold for diversity jurisdiction of $ 75,000.
[29] I am mindful of the Supreme Court's admonition «to apply the framework contextually and flexibly for cases currently in the system,» but nonetheless find that the case is clearly over the presumptive threshold for cases in the Provincial Court and the Crown has not met its burden to establish the presence of exceptional circumstances... [more]
Once the person who caused the accident is identified, you need to establish whether the nature of your injuries meets the «Serious Injury Threshold,» which is a major prerequisite for successfully bringing a lawsuit for a non-economic loss like emotional suffering and pain.
On the question of whether the Dean was biased, the Court emphasized that the threshold of proof for establishing bias is high and found that none of the actions complained of met that standard, whether seen individually or cumulatively.
For the purposes of meeting the threshold under Section 31 (2) Children Act 1989 there was no need for a Local Authority to establish parental culpability for the child being beyond parental control.
The SCC has confirmed the innocence of the accused exception to privilege and have established a test: (i) the threshold question of whether the accused can show that the communication is relevant to his or her defence and is otherwise unavailable must be satisfied; (ii) assuming the threshold test is met, the accused must establish an evidentiary basis upon which the court could conclude that a communication exists that could raise a reasonable doubt as to his or her guilt; and (iii) if the accused can satisfy step (ii), the court will examine the information to determine whether the information is likely to raise a reasonable doubt as to the accused's guilt or whether there is a genuine risk of a wrongful conviction.
John Wilks, partner at DLA Piper, said a key issue would be whether the Ministry can establish that it meets the threshold for originality of the works, which is whether it is the «author's own intellectual creation».
In South Australia negotiation threshold issues are directed to ensuring that the negotiation process between the native title claim group and the government is productive rather than ensuring that the legal criteria for establishing native title is met.
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