Sentences with phrase «meeting demands»

Meeting these demands while ensuring profitability can only be achieved with intelligent supply chain management powered by technology.
The contemporary agri - food system is in the midst of grappling with these barriers to trust as it manages for profit, in a highly competitive global agricultural system, while meeting the demands of the contemporary consumer.
Even though it may not be well represented in the pews of American churches, an evolutionary sacramentalist cosmology may offer the richest conceptual resources for meeting the demands of the environmental crisis.
Only then can law become an instrument of humanizing the technological culture of the global village and of meeting the demands of social liberation of the dalits, the tribals and the women whether in our separate communities of faith or at large in the country.
Meanwhile, being employed meant dealing with the pressure and the stress of meeting the demands of one's employer or customers.
Technology - driven finance companies are dedicated to meeting the demands of American small businesses that need access to capital.
It's increasingly a «what have you done for me lately» world and if you're not meeting the demands, you can be sure that there are plenty of others ready to fill your shoes.
Before joining private equity firm Capital Advisors as an executive vice president, she had worked at a couple of tech companies — including as CFO of General Magic, a spin - off from Apple (AAPL) that closed in 2002 — and in all of those positions her job was to obsess over quarterly results, meeting demands of investors.
The main hurdle has been meeting the demands of growing capacity; an investment from Nestle is expected to help ease that problem.
Toy makers and retailers spent most of 2014 boosting inventory to meet demand.
Tooling up to meet the demand will be key
There never seems enough hours to meet the demands of a small business but a few hours a week invested online can pay big returns.
So instead of focusing on creating demand, the focus should rather be to meet this demand efficiently.
CNBC's Morgan Brennan reports FedEx is well - positioned to meet demand this holiday shipping season.
A Certified Management Accountant (CMA) is trained to meet the demands of today's accounting requirements in addition to participating on the company's management team.
It's so popular that it can be hard to find in stores, which, says Woolverton, often don't have the warehouse space to meet demand.
Maybe you have outgrown your current space, need to purchase more inventory to meet demand, or to upgrade to more modern equipment.
Your best option is often undergoing a rebranding campaign, pivoting the company's products, image, or approach to meet the demands of a new demographic or to reset expectations for your company altogether.
This put the brakes on an industry that was fast expanding to meet demand from Chinese solar panel makers.
Journalists are likely to assess a new product based on whether it meets these demands.
Despite recent volatility in the price of oil, the CEO of BP believes the market is currently balanced and production is meeting demand on a daily basis.
These AAUs support 200 MHz large bandwidth and 3D beamforming to cover buildings, offer uniform coverage, and meet the demands of various other scenarios.
And production hears, «How are we going to meet the demand?
Tight credit is forcing small businesses to seek alternative lenders to meet demand for back - to - school merchandise, reports the Wall Street Journal.
In the coming year, we plan to expand even more, including building out our team to meet demand and look for even different ways to leverage our exclusive student - generated content.
Thus overcapacity is a crisis not just for capital (destroyed as overcapacity leads to a bust in profits and valuation) but also for labor, which finds that the global supply chain can meet demand without hiring more workers.
To meet this demand, organizations are learning to connect the dots between sales, marketing, customer experience and market opportunity.
Prices of commodities like corn, oil, or gold often plunge when producers pump out supply to meet demand, creating inadvertent gluts.
Due to its network of contracted help, the company was able to ramp up production quickly to meet demand after Corkcicle received major media coverage and was promoted by Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey.
And, here, vertical marketplaces are better suited than horizontal ones to meet the demand.
She now has a team of 15 sewing moms to help meet the demand for her now 58 - product catalog of handcrafted and embellished women's wear items.
At each stage, you must undertake specific tasks, acquire new organizational skills and expand your leadership competencies to meet the demands of a changing and growing business.
Two aid groups said they have had to turn people away, one has had to intensify its fundraising, two have had to extend their operating hours to meet demand, while six who help to house new arrivals are struggling to find accommodation for them.
Minor producers, even in Ontario, who are unable to meet the demands of the LCBO must sell their products elsewhere.
«Some of them need to grow 10 times the size of where they're currently operating» in order to meet the demand that's expected to come with legalization, says Pearlstein.
He leads a high - performance team to ensure netTALK continues to meet the demands of cloud - based communications and related technologies.
What Slack (and he says the Microsoft tool Yammer) has done is essentially meet the demands of this synchronous workplace.
However, unlike Australia, the U.S. has secured a large import network from Mexico to Peru and Chile and even as far as New Zealand to meet demand.
«If present public expenditures on schooling were made available to parents [through a voucher] regardless of where they send their children, a wide variety of schools would spring up to meet the demand,» writes Milton Friedman in Capitalism and Freedom.
Drinking water is a vital need of Hurricane Harvey victims, but meeting this demand has not been without controversy.
The smallest agent error can have a huge impact on whether Bell meets the demands of his customers — American wholesalers.
There is no minimum required but inventory should be sufficient to meet demand created from the show.
Seasonal growers in many regions can't meet the demand for the food needed there in terms of the hospitals, schools, senior centers, daycare centers, even the retail establishments and the restaurants.
As consumers have placed increasing emphasis on vintage inspiration, craftsmanship, and personalized design aesthetics, boutique brands have arisen to meet this demand.
To prevent a bad customer experience, monitor your inventory levels so they meet demand.
U.S. firms were slow to invest in growth and are now racing to meet demand through M&A, says Joe Zidle, portfolio strategist at Richard Bernstein Advisors.
We will then have a sense if we can meet those demand — which could be quite steep.
The insurance industry is also evolving to meet the demands caused by the increase in cyberthreats.
(Worthy of note: That's a bit of a walkback from June, when House said, «We'll be supply - constrained with this product, but we'll do our very best to meet demand.»)
The company is still struggling to meet demand, a common hurdle for any popular new console.
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