Sentences with phrase «meeting with an attorney»

Immediately after an accident, it's critical that you call our firm and meet with an attorney in person.
When meeting with an attorney, make sure you find out what kind of record she holds.
The first meeting with an attorney should be free (though it might not always be), and any personal injury attorney should be willing to speak with you.
The mediator and the couple meet with their attorneys for mediation.
The first thing that you must do is to meet with an attorney who handles matrimonial cases on a daily basis.
Sometimes, mediation can be thought of as simply having both parties meet with their attorneys at a particular law office.
Dealing with these emotions before meeting with an attorney will make the process much easier.
Clients can support this relationship by attending all scheduled meetings with their attorneys and making notes of each session.
The portal allows a bankruptcy client to input all of his or her personal and financial information in advance of meeting with the attorney.
When couples want to meet with an attorney about a legal separation and intend to get prepared ahead of time.
When you are meeting with an attorney during your free consultation try to assess whether you feel comfortable and confident when speaking with them.
I just started another Collaborative Divorce Case yesterday (meaning that we had the first four - way meeting with another attorney and her client).
Perhaps you have already met with an attorney and are not sure what to do and would like a second opinion.
You can meet with the attorney without feeling like you have to become a client.
Meeting with an attorney early allows you to make longer term plans for raising money and protecting your board game down the road.
If you feel you have been the victim of psychiatric medical malpractice you should meet with an attorney immediately to help determine the validity of your case.
Track status of contract review / projects, including regular meetings with attorneys regarding status.
Now that you have a long list of candidates, start making appointments to meet with the attorneys prior to hiring anyone.
So it's in your best interest to always at least meet with an attorney to know what your rights and obligations are under the laws of workers compensation.
You will meet with your attorney individually to discuss strategy, review evidence and testimony, and decide which issues are most important to you.
You need to get some face time and actually meet with attorneys.
If you are considering filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, consider meeting with an attorney to discuss which and how much of your property may be exempt from liquidation.
When the couple has agreed to the terms of their separation, they jointly meet with both attorneys to explain what has been agreed upon.
One spouse meets with an attorney, and the attorney gathers the facts about her situation.
In the joint meetings with attorneys, clients, coaches, and possibly other professionals, the allied coaches help their clients function to achieve the best possible outcome.
As we've done with our last profile, we're meeting with attorneys in our network to discuss how they've made the most of their practice.
Again, you likely won't need to provide much of this information on your first meeting with an attorney, and some of the documents listed may not apply to you at all.
Taking the step to meet with an attorney for a free bankruptcy consultation is the first thing you should do on your road to getting your finances under control.
I would urge you to meet with an attorney who is licensed in your state, first.
Be sure to meet with your attorney at least once before the deposition so that you know what to expect and how to prepare.
I just started another Collaborative Divorce Case yesterday (meaning that we had the first four - way meeting with another attorney and her client).
I know he has already met with an attorney to get the papers ready.
You plan to meet with an attorney regarding a legal separation and would like to be prepared with an outline for the division of property and assets.
It is very important to meet with your attorney prior to the mediation and mutually develop a negotiating strategy.
Ms. Rodriguez is a registered Democrat, but that did not stop her from meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions when he came to the area in April.
If you or someone you love has been injured because of someone else's negligence, find out how much your case is worth by meeting with an attorney from Craig Swapp & Associates.
We also offer videoconferencing as an option for those who prefer the convenience of meeting with an attorney by way of a videoconferencing platform.
If the offer is accepted, the next steps could be as simple as meeting with an attorney or certified family law mediator, who would work with you to prepare the necessary documents such as a Marital Settlement Agreement, Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, etc. to effectuate your divorce.
if you've received financial or other assistance from them in the past), you may need to meet with an attorney representing the state or city / town on the date of your hearing to discuss their interest.
Im meeting with an attorney tomorrow for a consult about establishing an LLC for myself.
The Travis County Criminal District Court judge, Karen Sage, made her decision after meeting with attorneys in private.
Legal Nights allow you to meet with an attorney free of charge and get information in the areas of Immigration, credit, housing, landlord / tenant, employment and family law.
When asked about reports that Wills had ducked meetings with the AG's office about New Yorkers 4 Life, and even walked out of a meeting, the spokesperson answered, «the Council Member had several other meetings with the Attorney General.»
Meet with an attorney today free of charge when you contact the Law Office of Filteau and Sullivan.
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