Sentences with phrase «member sapiens»

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The fossils could represent the earliest known examples of H. sapiens ever found (if confirmed by further research), and they serve as evidence that members of our species lived beyond sub-Saharan Africa.
The law defines «child in utero» as «a member of the species Ho «mo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb»
Surely there is no doubt that men and women are both members of Homo sapiens.
Instead, he was a full - fledged member of our species, Homo sapiens, and a distant relative of people who today live in East Asia and South America.
As researchers recently sequenced the genomes of more than a dozen ancient members of our species, Homo sapiens, in Europe and Asia in rapid succession, they added a third genetic component: a «ghost» lineage of nomads who blew into northeast Europe from the steppes of western Asia 4000 to 5000 years ago.
Newly excavated Middle Stone Age tools and red pigment chunks from southern Kenya's Olorgesailie Basin appear to have been part of a long trend of climate - driven behavior changes in members of the Homo genus that amped up in H. sapiens.
Studies of DNA from living Africans, and from the 2,000 - year - old African boy, so far indicate that at least several branches of Homo — some not yet identified by fossils — existed in Africa roughly 300,000 years ago, says paleoanthropologist John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin — Madison, a member of the H. naledi team who refrains from classifying Jebel Irhoud individuals as H. sapiens.
These first members of our H. sapiens clan evolved in Africa some 200,000 to 300,000 years ago from more primitive Paleolithic foragers.
Why should Neanderthals be considered members of our own species, Homo sapiens, just because interbreeding has been shown to produce...
Callaway reports that the genetic record shows interbreeding between various members of the Homo genus, including H. sapiens with Homo neanderthalis, but only in regions around the Mediterranean and in western Europe.
That led to a startling conclusion: A female member of the lineage that gave rise to Homo sapiens in Africa mated with a Neandertal male more than 220,000 years ago — much earlier than other known encounters between the two groups.
Those effects will only get worse if nothing is done to stop dumping CO2 into the sky, much less to begin to reduce concentrations that have now reached more than 400 parts per million in the air — higher than that breathed by any members of our fellow Homo sapiens in the last 200,000 years.
A new analysis of early hominin body size evolution led by a George Washington University professor suggests that the earliest members of the Homo genus (which includes our species, Homo sapiens) may not have been larger than earlier hominin species.
His reasoning was clear: Science itself tells us that a human embryo is a whole living member of the species homo sapiens, a human being at the very beginning of life.
They point to the mix of sapiens and erectus features in the two recently discovered Chinese fossil skulls which virtually proves that erectus and sapiens are members of the same species and the taxon Homo erectus should be laid to rest.94
Homo rudolfensis may be the first member of the genus Homo on a path to modern humans, or it may be a more Homo — like australopithecine with no direct bearing on the evolution of H. sapiens.
By my calculations, MindBodyGreen readers are members of the species Homo sapiens.
Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a Homo sapiens: Homo sapiens, the species to which all modern human beings belong and the only member of the genus Homo that is not extinct.
Homo sapiens: Homo sapiens, the species to which all modern human beings belong and the only member of the genus Homo that is not extinct.
At present a prerequisite for being a natural person under the law is that you are a member of the species homo sapiens.
Thus it will be the finding of the court that petitioner, not a member of the species homo sapiens but endowed with the faculty of reason and free will, has all of the rights and responsibilities of a «person» under Kansas law, and has the right to be adopted.
Or would the court find that «petitioner, not a member of the species homo sapiens but endowed with the faculty of reason and free will, has all of the rights and responsibilities of a «person» under Kansas law, and has the right to be adopted»?
The alleged «unreasonable» risk occurs, apparently (and anecdotally) because most members of Homo sapiens sapiens who use the iPod need to put (and indeed do put) the earbuds in their own ears in order to listen to the iPod.
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