Sentences with phrase «member of a religion»

You are correct that several members of all religions do not properly represent the theology, however that does not make these religions inherently bad.
I have to wonder about members of a religion that would pray for the success of such a candidate.
BUT... most members of this religion live with all of us, do good works in their communities and good works for many in the world.
He also admitted that his 7 - year - old daughter is no longer a practicing member of the religion.
You'll find many general online dating sites have many Christian members with the function to search specifically for members of that religion.
One problem is that when many Christians do try to learn about evolution, what they learn is taught to them by other members of their religion and is incorrect.
One might argue the ban would still be unconstitutional because it would disproportionately restrict members of religion Y from using the immigration system to bring their families to the US, hence constituting a violation of the first amendment.
When religions attempt to unduly influence those who are not members of that religion through political, financial or societal oppression, then those who are not overly biased within that religion take note of it and act according to their own conscience vs. what their religion tells them to react.
And for the religion that I still hold in high regard, particularly the Irish members of that religion who have been so forthright in their defence of me generally.»
Nat is a member of the Jewish faith and his customers are of the Jewish faith, also, and into this familiar terriroty come members of another religion.
That is the anti-thesis of the protection of religious freedom afforded by the human rights legislation in both BC and Ontario (both of which expressly permit religious organizations to discriminate in favour of members of their religion in the provision of services in the public sphere) and the Charter.
i said it can bring members of that religion together - but i also said it keeps people outside that religion apart.
China harassed members of religions Beijing does not recognize, and disbarred, harassed and imprisoned lawyers who tried to defend them, the State Department said.
I personally have major issues about GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney being a devote member of a religion that has church leaders that do not seem to be concerned about the ethical issues of the Mormon Missionaries and LDS faithful members baptizing minor children into the Latter Day Saints (LDS) faith without the written consent of the child's parent (s).
Are there violent Muslims, yes, just like there are violent members of every religion, and most of the violence committed by extremist Muslims ends up killing other Muslims.
My parents too, remember a day when members of both religions lived in harmony and piece, when we were neighbors and neighborly at that.
If I only want members of religion X in my government (or, on the contrary, I specifically do not want them), selecting them based on their ID is a lot easier than having to find out their religion in other ways.
What if they are a card - carrying member of a religion completely antithetical to your beliefs?
It's also unclear whether the altruistic spirit is mostly confined to other members of their religion.
There were other US founders that were not members of any religion, and lots of people with other beliefs.
Like a war mongering, foul tempered presidential candidate who professes to be so religious; people of one political affiliation bragging about how more - often they attend church over their counterparts; members of another religion who protect pedophile priests.
You think it helps people to be a member of your religion, but you are just saddling them with a monstrous fraud that weighs them down with fraudulent nonsense nobody understands and that everyone interprets individually no matter what you say or what your religion is called.
Every member of every religion has these same feelings.
I've been to funerals and encountered this kind of prejudice where those leading the service insisted you must be a member of their religion to get over grief, and you can only really talk about it in the language of the Bible, no other discussion has any meaning.
It's not legal to fire someone for being a member of a religion but atheism is not a protected religion according to the supreme court.
Simply not being a member of a religion does not create any bond other they are not wasting their time hating other religions or keeping popes in wealth.
You don't have to be Catholic (or a member of any religion) to talk to God.
Crimes, abuse, are done by humans, and the last time I looked ALL members of ANY religion are human!
Right, if the owner of a company is a member of a religion that doesn't believe in using medicine at all do they have the right then to provide only an insurance policy that covers prayer?
There are many documented examples where members of one religion try to exterminate the members of another religion.
sin is a man made concept, a religious guilt trip that only resonates with the members of that religion
Also, not only do you believe in a deity and are a theist but you went that extra step of becoming a member of a religion.
Actually Jerry I don't think BoBo is a member of any religion.
It seems to me that it is very expensive to be a member of religion.
The members of this religion on other thought planets don't believe in physicality.
Not because he was a member of any religion, but because it was the right thing to do.
tell the millions the members of that religion have killed over the years about how «peaceful» they are.
There are many doc - umented examples where members of one religion try to exterminate the members of another religion.
A very interesting qustion in all of this is how do some christians reconcile their religious beliefs with the cilvil rights of people who are not members of their religion and hence not subject to their religious laws.
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