Sentences with phrase «member of the armed forces»

Experts estimate dozens of members of the armed forces suffered these types of injuries during the conflicts that have marked the past 15 years.
There was also be a guarantee to protect the state pension and more pay for members of the armed forces.
They were embraced by members of the armed forces, especially pilots, who had to remain attentive to myriad tasks despite constant danger and fatigue.
These loans are offered by military loan companies to assist qualified members of the armed forces in getting money when they need it.
In fact, the unemployment rate for former members of the armed forces is relatively low.
As a former or current member of the armed forces, you have already demonstrated personal dedication, perseverance and strong commitment to your country.
Still, it got many talking due to the fact they met with members of the armed forces.
Beginning in 2018, only active - duty members of the armed forces will be allowed to deduct moving expenses.
Members of the armed forces also have access through their government plans.
Labour are also keen to stress that students and members of the armed forces get a reduced membership rate, so union members getting a vote for # 3 is not without precedent.
Moving allowances for these programs may not cover all of the participant's cost, but like members of the armed forces, participants move on assignment in service to their country.
Members of the armed forces about to be discharged or recently separated from the service face unique challenges in preparing military transition resumes designed to create opportunities in the private business sector.
This can be particularly beneficial to members of the armed forces transitioning back into the civilian job market.
An amendment to include children of members of the armed forces, on the grounds that they need special help, was accepted.
This will provide over # 500 million worth of investment for improvements in accommodation for members of the armed forces and their families.
This, of course, makes it much easier for a current or former member of the armed forces to own a home.
It was at about this point that the public gallery filled up with members of the armed forces, clearly on some sort of day trip.
Beginning in 2018, only active - duty members of the armed forces will be allowed to deduct moving expenses.
Cases where one or both parties are an active or retired member of the armed forces have special considerations.
Members of the armed forces do not have to pay taxes on income received while they are on duty in an area designated as a combat zone.
One particular project that I am very proud of is development of an approach to reduce damage to the eyes of Members of the Armed Forces who encounter blast trauma injuries in the combat theater, a project supported by the US Army.
NRS 641A.242 Expedited license by endorsement for active member of Armed Forces, member's spouse, veteran or veteran's surviving spouse: Requirements; procedure for issuance; provisional license pending action on application.
We can look to other public employees, such as members of the armed forces, who still do not have collective bargaining rights, to see how progress could have occurred without unionization.
Starting with offices in the Pentagon's basement and for 70 years thereafter, the AFBA continues to serve members of the Armed Forces during times of war and peace.
Serving as any other member of the Armed Forces who has been assigned to a duty station at a location other than the location where you are normally assigned, or
Mr Brown is said to have noticed the way events in America highlight the role played by members of the armed forces during his recent visit to the country.
Additionally, all honorably discharged service members of the Armed Forces under the age of 66 who reside in the states of Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, or Virginia are also eligible for membership.
Rambo has gone on to be Alamo Honor Flight's mascot, accompanying countless World War II veterans to Washington, D.C. and even having the honor of meeting Senator and Mrs. Bob Dole, serving as the official ambassador for the Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act, and attending press conferences with both Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina and Senator Richard Blumenthal ofConnecticut.
Don Touhig, the under secretary of state for defence, insisted the proposals had not been introduced in the wake of the recent spate of prosecutions against members of the armed forces in Iraq, saying they were aimed at bringing the current system up to date.
The Department of Defense can also help members of the Armed Forces who had a permanent change of station and whose homes lost values during the mortgage crisis, with certain qualifications.
The site,, provides information on three laws enacted to protect members of the armed forces and veterans:
Past and present members of our armed forces can used the promotional code «HERO» for a 15 % discount.
«You can not treat reservists as second - class members of the armed forces while demanding a first - class job from them.»
It's common to see members of the armed forces in uniform around the sleepy town, but foodies also gravitate to Point Loma for the outstanding seafood brought to shore daily by boats, and served in local restaurants.»
The British Humanist Association (BHA) is supporting «For All Who Serve», the new campaign launched by the United Kingdom Armed Forces Humanist Association (UKAFHA), which calls for the recognition of non-religious members of the armed forces who have died in the line of duty at the national service of remembrance.
Other populations with whom Jessica has expertise and insight include members of the armed forces and their families, and children presenting autism spectrum disorders and their caregivers.
Eligible borrowers include members of the National Guard and reserve or retired members of the Armed Forces called to active duty at the time, or within six months prior to the time, that they were enrolled in school.
Additional Protocol I to the 1949 Conventions requires military commanders of High Contracting Parties, «with respect to members of the armed forces under their command and other persons under their control, to suppress and where necessary to report to competent authorities breaches....»
Keep in mind that USAA limits its membership to qualified members of the armed forces and to veterans.
You either need to be an active or honorably discharged member of the armed forces or national guard.
Members of the Armed Forces work together to achieve their missions.
Five members of the armed forces earlier this month sued Trump and his top military brass seeking to halt the reversal of the transgender policy put in place by the Obama administration.
Chelsea fans still pinching themselves at last season's astonishing triumph were given another glimpse of the European Cup before kick - off when members of the armed forces were handed the honour of parading it.
Defence minister Derek Twigg said: «I'd like to reassure members of our armed forces and their families, that ministers are committed to doing all we can to provide good quality housing.
He claimed that female members of the armed forces were being allowed to pass courses, simply because examiners «didn't have the bottle» to fail them.
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