Sentences with phrase «member of the congregation»

And yet, when boys did not volunteer for leadership positions in my youth group, I took them on myself, to the praise of members of my congregation.
The situation was said to have caused fear and panic among members of the congregation who were inside the church.
While some pastors are unfairly criticized by members of their congregation, others are overly revered.
But barely half (54 per cent) said that they frequently discuss public affairs with members of their congregation.
A pastor is different from other members of a congregation in several respects.
Lack of intimacy among members of a congregation is a common problem.
As members of a congregation at the end of its life, we would also have the great opportunity to decide what we wanted to do with our assets.
The design of a new open courtyard, surrounded by concrete bench seating, offers a secure space in which members of the congregation can socialize.
Several members of the congregation were doctors and nurses at the center.
These are times when members of a congregation will be more gifted or better prepared than the pastor to give spiritual direction to one another through mutual ministry.
We receive daily referrals from pastors and other church affiliates who know that our therapy programs can help members of their congregation.
The opposition to an expensive proposal to purchase and install air conditioning came largely from older members of the congregation.
At the same time, clergy in the communities where the course has been used report that younger members of their congregations come to them, seeking information.
He also learned that few members of his congregation were able, financially or emotionally, to take children from antisocial backgrounds into their homes, even when they were guaranteed reimbursement.
This attitude is essential to ministry that questions social conventions because it means that the pastor loves members of the congregation regardless of their present commitments.
A snapshot would capture the kind of people who actually feel welcome enough to become members of the congregation.
Once a year members of the congregation gathered to make financial pledges to support missions efforts.
The minister invites members of the congregation to approach the microphone and share prayer requests.
The same preacher eventually sucks up to the richer members of the congregation unless he / she is exceptionally moral.
It would be hard to consider it «our church» is all, because we would feel less than full members of the congregation.
We continue to be very happy there and are full participating members of the congregation.
Then one older member of my congregation approached me, a retired general who was normally quite soft - spoken.
They also read things that people passed on to them; they learned from what members of their congregations were reading.
But it is legitimate for the pastor to facilitate home calls and pastoral care by involving members of a congregation who have gifts in pastoral care.
One member of the congregation took issue with me as he left the sanctuary.
Under that model, the life of a popular member of a congregation is worth more than the life of a homeless person in His eyes.
The clergy fully embrace us and we are normal members of the congregation, never treated any different.
Different members of the congregation mentioned briefly something of the relevance the sermon had for them, and several made appointments for counseling.
The corporate nature of the Christian life means that parents should be able to find support and encouragement for their work as parents among other members of their congregation.
This possibility depends, to some extent, on the quality of the life and commitment of members of the congregation.
We know how true this is for us as individuals and as members of congregations: our private lives are governed largely by the personal stories we understand ourselves to be living out.
But microphones also opened up new possibilities for participation by members of the congregation, who began to read, make announcements, and lead others in prayer and song.
Probably the area in which members of a congregation can be most helpful in caring for one another is related to the ministry of parenthood.
This is usually done through compelling worship, faithful interpretation of Scripture in preaching, and attention to building community among members of the congregation.
Her husband and several members of the congregation were telling her that it was not Christian of her to be angry at her husband.
Through the services of The ABBA Fund, Berea has provided over $ 10,000 toward adoption fees for members of its congregation.
If members of a congregation do not see sexuality as a spiritual issue, there is little likelihood that they will see that domestic violence, homosexuality, and AIDS are issues that affect their lives.
He came in with the model of Shepherding which meant that pastors and altar ministers where to ensure members of the congregation where catered for, protected, led, taught, etc, to ensure they abided and also grew up to become sherpherds themselves.
One former member of the congregation said, «The church has a fascinating religious past.
If members of a congregation can begin to see that their work is a way of expressing love to God and neighbor, it could very well transform their way of looking at the world.
Until the day a friend, a college student who was a long time member of the congregation asked me, «Pastor Adam why is the cross in the middle of the stage?
The peace between members of the congregation and one another, between them and strangers, between them and enemies, and between them and the whole creation is an emblem of the overarching peace between God and God's people, brought about in Christ.
He was a founding member of the congregation of the Malverne Jewish Center, where he served as president and treasurer.
These supporting churches are affiliates of the Center and members of their congregations receive a discount on all of our educational events.
Recently, Twitter friend Bridget Haymond, of Truth for Life Coaching, approached me to collaborate on putting together handouts for job seeking members of the congregation at her church — Grace Covenant Church, in Charlotte, NC.
In a video making rounds on Facebook Bishop Obinim is seen telling members of his congregation that he was sorry for Abena Animah, the third wife of Prophet Owusu Bempah, since she is likely to meet the same fate of his first and second wives.
It does mean that more pastoral care should be carried out by members of a congregation so the pastor can devote more attention to the disciplined study and meditation necessary for lively preaching of the gospel, teaching, and worship leadership.

Phrases with «member of the congregation»

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