Sentences with phrase «member of the crew»

As members of the crew conduct their research, the rapidly - evolving life form proves far more intelligent and terrifying than anyone could have imagined.
To make your business stand out, you should make uniforms for members of your crew.
We also get more of an ensemble grouping here as you collect the various members of the crew and get to use all of them at once through the later levels.
Different members of the crew then walked through the train, ready to answer our questions.
Playing alone will give you skills that make you a more effective member of your crew.
The Jones Act is a law that provides protection to individuals who are members of a crew of a ship or vessel and applies to inland river workers as well as merchant mariners on the seas.
To be effective working as a crew member at Dunkin Donuts, the individual must have good communication skills to relate with other members of the crew as well as with customers.
Players will also be able to explore the Thousand Sunny, as well as chat with members of the crew, experiencing life as a Straw Hat Pirate.
There's also audio commentary with executive producer Dave Filoni on Trials of the Darksaber and another with Filoni and members of the crew on Legacy of Mandalore.
We continue to have great empathy for the pain Sarah's family is enduring and for the other members of the crew who were injured.»
From there, players learn of some strange happenings on the island and set out to find the remaining members of the crew in Knolan — a wise - ass 500 - year old wizard — and Red Monika — an outlaw who trained Garrison when they were younger.
Cueball realizes that he's been betrayed by members of his crew and starts hunting them down.
Joly, a returning board member, has been an active member of CREW for the past 10 years and served as president of Toronto CREW in 2001.
In fact, Gomez - Rejon and Mitnick aren't the only members of the crew with short filmographies.
In 2000, the House of Representatives approved a moon rock giveaway to 32 Apollo astronauts, including family members of the crew lost in Apollo 1.
Fairbanks» behavior becomes all the more disturbing when members of the crew start falling victim to a murderer.
But when members of the crew start settling down, and Eric's dad announces plans to sell the beach house, Eric decides it's time for one last bash to go out with a proverbial bang - a good old - fashioned orgy.
With just a week to go until its US release (and two weeks for the UK), Warner Bros. has released a new featurette for the upcoming DC anime feature Batman Ninja, entitled «East West Batman» which sees members of the crew discussing the animation style of the film; watch it here... SEE ALSO: The Dark Knight battles -LSB-...]
There's a great scene where Clarence is waiting in his car with several members of the crew and his George Michael playlist starts.
For a $ 5 donation, you'll get to meet members of The Crew and leave with a t - shirt and beads for Mardi Gras!
I also work in the industry of leading tours and often am very critical of crews / guides since I manage crews too, and every single member of the crew impressed me during the trip.
Many members of this crew are in the Men's Final4 on Monday Night (and the Elite8 of the Summer Hoops League as well)..
Whenever refusal or removal of a Passenger may be necessary for the safety of such Passenger or other Passengers or members of the crew including, but not limited to:
I recently had the opportunity to speak with three members of the crew about their experiences working on the film, and about the creative genius that is Guillermo del Toro.
Bob and other members of their crew run alongside, throwing buckets of cool water over the necks and rumps of the horses, and drenching the riders in the process.
Bumpers and extra small (in weight) bowling balls are available for the youngest members of your crew.
As the unexpected sound of gunfire broke out, members of his crew initially mistook the sound for firecrackers.
Parello also instructed members of his crew to take revenge on a person who stabbed Anthony «Tony the Wig» Vazzano in January 2013, telling them to «keep the pipes handy and pipe him, pipe him, over here [gesturing to the knees], not on his head,» federal prosecutor said.
It seems the actress won Corden over, as members of his crew demonstrated famous Goop practices like «cupping,» «grounding» and vaginal steaming.
In a panic, one member of the crew steps off the pathâ $» big mistake.
The savagely, fearlessly funny portrait of men who escape the stress and danger of an unforgiving job through reckless and irresponsible private lives takes a wicked turn in this half - season as one member of the crew deals with Ground Zero - related cancer.
And when the fourth member of their crew, millionaire arrested - development case Billy (Douglas), decides to get married to a much younger woman, they all figure that their collective man - mojo may best be revived by a bachelor party in the city where hope goes to die.
(I guess I should mention that Shaw has his own team of mutant warriors as well, but the only memorable member of that crew is January Jones» Emma Frost and that's more for her cleavage - baring outfits rather than any distinguishable personality.)
11 members of the crew perished in the ensuing fiery inferno which engulfed the platform.
Typical of the film, Peranson and Martin further complicate the moment by cutting later to a more distant perspective, shot on hi - def DV, that reveals members of the crew huddled on the floor around her, laughing about having just run out of film.
As the shoot wears on, members of the crew exhibit increasingly strange behavior leaving those still sane realizing they need to get out of this place before they too succumb to the building's infectious hold.
Video - based extras begin with «Swiss Army Man: Behind the Scenes» (17 mins., HD), a B - roll compilation with voiceover from select members of the crew, including Sieple.
Local fire chief Eric Marsh (Josh Brolin) leads his crew — and potential members of his crew — to the top of a mountain and looks at the surrounding woods...
Sanada is noble and controlled as the captain, and Evans is no mere brute as the most aggressive member of the crew.
Take a look at the making - of David Cronenberg's prophetic 1983 film Videodrome with this short documentary featuring the Canadian master himself and various members of the crew divulging the process behind creating some of the movie's grotesque (and still - impressive - to - this - day) special effects.
Still, Yates calls the projectionist «the extra member of the crew» and he's right.
Gyllenhaal appears to be the quiet, potentially menacing astronaut, while Reynolds assumes his natural role as the wisecracking member of the crew.
It seems clear that he was a hard taskmaster, that he could berate members of his crew, and also actors, if things were not just right when he came on set.
That's why Dredd co-creator John Wagner became a fully - paid member of our crew.
The 2018 Audi TT RS garnered acres of adoration from our merry band, with the arc - shaped Audi being a favorite of more than a few members of our crew.
The teamwork that was exhibited at Le Mans when the No. 63 Corvette encountered a series of mechanical mishaps exemplified the spirit of Corvette Racing as members of both crews pitched in to repair a badly damaged transaxle and get the car back on track.
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