Sentences with phrase «member of the human community»

This foundation leads to a rich academic high school experience that supports young men and women in realizing their full potential as students, as people, as members of the human community.
Just as Christians they are very much members of the human community in the universe created, according to Christian faith, by the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus Christ.
Of course, on some extremely grave matters — such as abortion — we as a society are never fully certain whether we are engaged in a heroically virtuous act of women's liberation or in the heartless extermination of the weakest members of the human community for the purposes of the stronger.
But there are solutions, if members of the human community act humanely to provide the homeless cats in their neighborhoods with the shelter, food and water they lack and need.
UnTangled is a space where we can begin to put down all of our competitive identities and encounter each other as members of a human community who have more in common than in conflict.
What scientific evidence, sound reasoning or common sense explanation can provide a foundation for expanding unbridled economic globalization even one more day, for increasing unrestrained per capita consumption beyond its present conspicuous level for one more week, and for condoning the projected addition of 70 to 80 million members of the human community in this year alone?
Proponents of inclusion rightly stress the importance of all children, their value as members of the human community, and their right to belong and to be included, no matter what their individual differences and abilities may be.
Whatever their length of sentence, inmates are members of the human community.
And it is undoubtedly true that maintaining concepts of absolute moral value, of objective right and wrong is the only intelligible basis upon which you can protect and promote the flourishing of every member of the human community.
Most importantly, as a member of the human community he helped us understand why it matters.
But climate change is such a danger, with such complexity and potential for misunderstanding, that scientists have a greater obligation as members of the HUMAN community, and should speak out for action.
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