Sentences with phrase «membership ballot»

Similarly, introducing membership ballots on policy matters could help to shift policy to the left.
As a matter of tactics, the Healey campaign pressed constantly for full membership ballots in local parties and unions.
This contrasts with the system used by the Tories and the Lib Dems, under which candidates are nominated by MPs before going forward to a membership ballot.
The real test for Boris will come both before — and if he makes it through — after a membership ballot.
By tilting to the left — Khan also nominated Corbyn for the leadership — he was able to secure the votes of a decidedly left - wing London Labour Party, defeating Jowell in a membership ballot.
Given the strong eurosceptic leanings of the membership, Johnson might feel confident of winning the membership ballot against a remainer.
When Corbyn stood for the party leadership in 2015 he struggled to secure enough nominations, and only made it through to the membership ballot because some MPs said they would second him even though they disagreed with his views.
Iain Duncan Smith: «I voted for him in the membership ballot, although Samantha favoured Clarke.
After the membership ballot I will stand down as First Minister to allow the new leader to be elected by due Parliamentary process.
«But I am seriously frightened about the risk of allowing Andrea Leadsom onto the membership ballot.
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