Sentences with phrase «membership magazine»

Companion: our monthly membership magazine with CPD, news and reports on issues facing the profession.
Donations of $ 25 or more include a one - year subscription to All Animals, The HSUS's award - winning bimonthly membership magazine.
Member email updates and our quarterly membership magazine, the Heritage Farm Companion, which is filled with stories from the Seed Savers Exchange community, gardening and seed saving advice, and updates from the organization.
In it was Eli's copy of EOS, the AGU membership magazine (pay the damn $ 20.00 dues, you can't even get a decent bunch of carrots for that these days with the $ in the toilet) Susan Hassol, one of RP Sr and Jrs.
Welcome to the first issue of REALTOR ® Magazine, your redesigned, renamed, and editorially refocused membership magazine.
When you write your check each year for REALTOR ® association dues, you may do so unaware of the national association staff working for you in Chicago and Washington, D.C. — advocating REALTOR ® positions in Congress and the media; developing and updating content for your Web site, One Realtor Place ® at REALTOR.COM; working behind the scenes administering programs; and, of course, putting out your monthly membership magazine.
Donations of $ 25 or more include a one - year subscription to All Animals, The HSUS's award - winning bimonthly membership magazine, which has a fair market value of $ 3.60 for the subscription.
In an exclusive interview conducted for the BMF's membership magazine, Motorcycle Rider, Mike Penning MP, Parliamentary Under - Secretary of State for Transport, reveals himself as a motorcyclist keen to tackle the issues facing motorcycling today.
An advert (in Media Guardian again) appeared for executive editor of The Biochemist magazine — the membership magazine of the Biochemical Society.
This quote & biography originally ran in an issue of BookBrowse's membership magazine.
In this article from Tributaries, the membership magazine of the South Carolina aquarium, read about how laser therapy is helping the turtles at the South Carolina aquarium.
Say it ain't so Rudy Rudy Baum, editor in chief of C&E News (ACS's membership magazine) had a stemwinder of an editorial in the June 22 issue which will, without a doubt, encounter much snorting in the near future to be featured in Rabett Run.
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