Sentences with phrase «men of little faith»

In Matthew Jesus calls them «men of little faith,» one of Matthew's favorite expressions (cf. Mt 6:30; 8:26; 14:3 1; 16:8; also 17:20; Lk 12:28).
but Jesus took him by the hand and said, «O man of little faith, why did you doubt?»
As Goguel puts it, «The thought behind the story is that proofs exist, which, however, only a man of little faith can need.
One almost hears the Lord say what centuries later Jesus was to say, «O man of little faith» (see Matt.

Not exact matches

I suppose that we couldn't expect much more, since there is little incentive not to lie without fear of God... barring faith in some truly man - made myths that I'm sure this group is willing to offer.
Some of these men were friends; some were influences on one another; but as a group they had surprisingly little in common apart from their faith.
It is an act of faith beyond anything we could do yet Peter is described as a «man of little fait h».
In fact Father Maillard, the director of Frères du Monde, actually declared: «If I noticed that my faith [true, he did not add «Christian»] separated me by however little from other men and diminished my revolutionary violence, I would not hesitate to sacrifice my faith,» A clear statement of the conviction latent in Shaull's writings; namely, that revolution is more fundamental than the faith.
But again this decision of mistrust (or little faith), of man's prudence and common - sense, of scepticism, finds a place precisely in God's design.
We easily regard as the defeat and regression of the Church in modern times what is actually only the social manifestation of a state which has always existed, even in the so - called good old days, because even then people, on the average, had but little faith, hope and love of God and men.
So I wrote a little - known book, Man and the Universe of Faiths, to develop the idea.
The words of bigots and naysayers mean very little to a man of faith like him - its like rain on a windshield - we got wipers for that @ssholes.
I learned when i studied the Bible, and met a man that taught religious studies at Penn.State Remember, God loves you, even with faith as little as the size of a mustard seed!!
Everywhere they will be a little flock, because mankind grows quicker than Christendom and because men will not be Christians by custom and tradition, through institutions and history, or because of the homogeneity of a social milieu and public opinion, but — leaving out of account the sacred flame of parental example and the intimate sphere of home, family and small groups — they will be Christians only because of their own act of faith attained in a difficult struggle and perpetually achieved anew.
To develop this sense of «belonging» will be a way in which, here and now, life can become meaningful; for in the little cells of Christian faith and love which are our parishes as they ought to be, hope is implanted m men's hearts that lifts them above, and yet sends them back into, the community life of which they are also a part, knowing that they have passed from death into life, because they love the brethren and are therefore empowered to bring a stream of fresh, courageous, loving life to a sadly disillusioned and despairing world.
Problem definition is time - consuming, a deep journey into our own prejudices and hopes for a Christian faith that actually makes a difference, a horrible awakening that giants of the faith may have little faith in God and more in courts and money, that fame - seekers exist within the church system and garner friends as shields, that a man that marries a second wife may wish to destroy the first wife at any cost, and that authors can indeed write good books but run away from women speaking of their own abuse, and that prior friendships dictate the limits of Christianity....
The Church is the sphere in which Christian faith is known and Christian life experienced; it is the area in which men and women, captivated by the dynamic appeal of the Lord Christ, respond to that Lord and find their little human existence redeemed and enriched and made significant.
So the job has been left to a rather odd assortment of men, amateurs either at the game or the faith, who have tried with very little success to make sense of matters too deep for them.
No, Abram became a man of great faith because for many years he had very little faith, and even in those times, God continued to keep his promises to Abram.
When there is a momentary break in the course of these disasters, when abundance is known, when peace timidly establishes itself, when justice reigns for a span, then it is fitting, unless we are men of too little faith, that we should marvel and give thanks for so great a miracle, realizing that no less than the love and faithfulness of the Lord has been needed in order that there might be this privileged instant.
There is not a little religious exclusiveness in the history of the Hebrews as it is recorded in the Old Testament, and this gave rise to a Jewish particularism which the greater prophets had to condemn as they stressed the love of God for all men.4 Yet the doctrine of creation that is the common heritage of Jewish and Christian faith asserts unequivocally the unity of mankind and leaves no standing ground for racial exclusiveness.
Speaking to Princeton students, the late Adlai E. Stevenson once declared: «What a man knows at fifty that he did not know at twenty boils down to something like this: the knowledge that he has acquired with age is not the knowledge of formulas... but of people, places, actions — a knowledge not gained... by words, but by touch, sight, sound, victories, failures, sleeplessness, devotion, love — the human experiences and emotions of this earth; and perhaps, too, a little faith and a little reverence for the things you can not see.»
But although Roncalli, unlike the present Pope John Paul II, had little interest in the nuances of philosophy and theology, during his time in France in the «40s he learned to appreciate what the new progressive theologians were saying about the meaning of historic Christian faith for men and women in the present epoch of culture and civilization.
He is a boat - rocking libertarian with a chisel - jawed faith in a small state and the power of the little man transmitted through the internet.
They see profiles of men but aren't convinced 100 % that they are real and genuine, and they also need a little push and a leap of faith to commit to the process.
A deeply religious man filled with compassion but also not a little vanity, he finds himself confronted with terrible choices between his faith in God and the teachings of the church that interprets that faith.
We experience moments of high drama and humor, sometimes on the same page; swordfights and court intrigues; plus a growing connection with and concern for the big hearted man inside the little body who has only his faith to hang on to as he is drawn further and further into Kempelen's deception and delusions of grandeur.
In Have a Little Faith, Mitch Albom offers a beautifully written story of a remarkable eight - year journey between two worlds - two men, two faiths, two communities - that will inspire readers everywhere.
We experience moments of high drama and humor, sometimes on the same page; swordfights and court intrigues; plus a growing tension as we come to know and care for the big hearted man inside the little body who has only his faith to hang on to as he is drawn further and further into Kempelen's deception and delusions of grandeur.
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