Sentences with phrase «men out of death»

7 Kerygmatic declarations are found primarily in Paul and John where the accent is not upon a Jesus of Nazareth enmeshed in historical relativities but upon the crucified and risen Christ who now calls men out of death into life.

Not exact matches

«Spider - Man: Homecoming» leaves out the radioactive spider bite, the death of Parker's uncle Ben, and focuses heavily on the difficulty that comes with trying to build confidence while still in high school, and is all the better for it.
Now check out Acts 2:23 — «this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.
It is not the fault of the furnace in the home that a man choses to go out in a blizard and freeze to death.
Causing the death of an unborn child is in the Bible, for in the Bible at Exodus 21, it says that «in case men should struggle with each other and they really hurt a pregnant woman and her children do come out but no fatal accident occurs, he is to have damages imposed upon him without fail according to what the owner of the woman may lay upon him; and he must give it through the justices.
Hope amidst suffering, hope when men know only defeat and despair, hope when death seems to smother out the shoots of life springing from the hearts of men, hope for our society, our world, our city, our schools, courts, prisons, legislatures, hope for our children, for our elderly, hope for all the millions of men and women over the face of this globe who simply want to live out their lives as free human beings not trampled down and stepped on by the overlords of this world.
There lay a man who had gone into the mouth of death and through some combination of the divine will and his own indomitable will had been snatched out.
Though the phenomena of the lower world remain the same — the material determinisms, the vicissitudes of chance, the laws of labour, the agitations of men, the footfalls of death — he who dares to believe reaches a sphere of created reality in which things, while retaining their habitual texture, seem to be made out of a different substance.
Obviously, men could not pass through the experience of death and out again into a resurrected life in masses; death in any generation is not like a wide thoroughfare but like a turnstile, through which men go one by one.
Jeremiah, pouring out before God everything he felt, poured out his vindictiveness: «Bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction»; (Jeremiah 17:18) «Deliver up their children to the famine, and give them over to the power of the sword; and let their wives become childless, and widows; and let their men be slain of death, and their young men smitten of the sword in battle....
His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.»
Today, when the world will likely be celebrating the death of a broken man who led a movement characterized by deception and disdain, reach out to others and show them what the unconditional love of God is really like and how it is shown in Jesus Christ.
Death will be welcome, if only our war cry penetrates receptive ears, if only another hand reaches out to take our weapons, if only other men rise up to intone the funeral chants as the machine guns crackle and new battle cries and songs of victory sound out
Carnal Liar against His truth Abide in Jesus» truth Prideful Tommie Tom Minions of satan Talmud Man - made lies of the talmud Jesus» letter, the Bible God's truth Jesus» truth The truth I know from Moe Curly of the 3 stooges that nothing works Truth Lies lies lies Fat drippings Personal worms Atheists write this garbage Satan is death Pathetic Your father Satan You atheists Smug atheists Amen Throw away that users manual Prayer really works No eyes to see or hear His truth Blotted out for eternity Burn burn burn for all eternity Writing your filth True Christians The liar satan Snakes in your Belly Athiests at CNN They are blocking my posts again Dead bones
If by the power of God's grace we are in a position to accept ourselves as pilgrims, as mortal men seeking their way with difficulty through the darkness, as failing again and again and yet bound in duty to an earthly task; if the Church effects that acceptance by celebrating the death of the Lord, and makes us men of prayer who are really conscious of the future judgment of God, if the Church sends its children strengthened with God's grace out into their own maturity which burdens them but sets them free, then the Church by its official ministry has done what it alone can and must do.
«But if... evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones...» (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)
If we concede that Jesus was a real person, more likely than what is illustrated in the telephone version of the story (a.k.a. the bible) was that he was a man of conscience that saw the corruption and cruelty towards people in his day and spoke out about it, which led to his death at the hands of those he was speaking out about.
We will see, if this country of his after his death became all well smoothly in a short time with out any more bloodshed then I will believe he was a bad man and should have been removed long time ago...!
If our hope is solely in what we can get out of this life, we're going to miss the primary promises that have empowered men and women throughout history to be willing to advance the Gospel through their lives or their deaths.
The man then got out of his «large vehicle,» stabbed a police officer to death and was then shot by police.
This would be a comfortable way out of the impasse if we could think so, for in view of the fact that the end of the world has not yet come, it is not easy to fit into the rest of his words such sayings as, «Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom» (Matt.
As Dr. Tillich has pointed out, the Latin theory of the satisfaction of the divine honour through the death of Jesus has always gripped men because it meets the burden of guilt, the experience of moral failure, and the impossibility of «making up» for what we have done.
News agencies are reporting a disturbing story out of Nigeria, where the military has sentenced 54 of its own soldiers to death, after they say the men refused to fight...
But this coolness is still more horrible: that, in the anxiety of death, a man should not cry out for help, «I am going under, save me»; but that he should quietly choose to be a witness to his own destruction!
However, virtually the entire platform of the death - of - God theology has been effectively rejected by process theology, primarily because Whitehead and Hartshorne have marked out a path that enables the process theologians to understand how it still might be possible and necessary for man to speak meaningfully about God.
I certainly hope for the Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, as I would hope for myself and others with me, if found out to be of Christian faith and a modern order, not unlike the Christians who walked with Jesus as a man and Pastor who, as it were, was finally offered up as a sacrificial offering to God upon a cross after being found guilty of offending the then Church of Israel who then proposed his death sentance to be carried out by a Roman Court, though he was innocent of the charges.
Typical CNN feedback that a story about a man sentenced to die for being a Christian and refusing to convert to Islam would bring out all the Christian - haters instead of the death penalty haters or people pointing out the hypocrisy of Islam.
Christian thinkers through the ages have attempted to spell out in the various theories of the atonement what they thought actually happened in the death of Jesus in order to make it instrumental for men's salvation.
He was strongly opposed to the teaching of some of his Christian contemporaries who wished to interpret the idiom of resurrection as an allegorical description of that Christian experience by which «a man, having come to the truth, has been reanimated and revivified to God, and, the death of ignorance being dispelled, has as it were burst forth from the tomb of the old man».35 Tertullian was adamant that the resurrection was in the future and to be understood in physical, fleshly terms («I pronounce that the flesh will certainly rise again»).36 In order to forestall those who could contend the impossibility of such a hope on the grounds that the decayed corpse would have long since wasted away to nothing, he pointed out that quite recently, in his city, skeletons some five hundred years old had been unearthed in a remarkable state of preservation.
The Bible says that a man's death is far greater than his birth, why, because at birth no one knows what kind of person they will turn out to be.
It rules out any view of man which suggests that, in whole or in part, the individual survives death and continues to live a conscious existence.
To the naturalist death is no problem at all, and to the idealist it is a problem for that very reason, for so far from arising out of man's essential spiritual being it actually destroys it.
C. H. Dodd has pointed out that among early Christians there were evidently men who, like the writer of I John, did not move forward from an experience of Christ rising from death to the Christ seated at the right hand of power, but backward from their acknowledgment of the latter to the conclusion that therefore he had risen from the dead.
The absolute death of the word «God», wiping out even its past, would be the signal — though heard by none — that man himself has died.
For a peasant woman's child in occupied territory in an out - of - the - way corner of the Roman Empire to have become the man he did, attracting what looked like flash - in - the - pan attention during his brief years of ministry, unknown to most of his contemporaries and viewed as an upstart, a wonder - worker, or a fanatic by most of those who knew about him, dying a felon's death deserted by most of his close and trusted friends with the incredible rumor then circulated that he had risen again — what chance had he of any lasting fame?
Moses, the most humble man who had ever lived on Earth to that point (Numbers 12:3), follows the Lord's Spirit as the people followed Moses, leading them out from the place in which they were saved from death by the blood of a lamb, through the waters of the Red Sea where their enemies were swallowed up forever, traveling on in a new identity as God's chosen people — free and sent on to serve and worship Him.
Thus «faith», the pattern of contemporary religious experience which is to relate us to God through Christ, can not by its very nature be built upon «the present evil aeon», with all that it provides of worldly security under man's control and invariably at his disposal; by definition «faith» is the life given in death, and consequently has its basis beyond our control, is lived out of the future, is «an act of faith».
It is within the human spirit that the voice of Christ sounds and the dead rise to a new life which is eternal; there, in quality of living, men pass «out of death into life»; there, as the first Johannine Epistle puts it, «He that hath the Son hath the life; he that hath not the Son of God hath not the life.»
Jeff: This is what causes division as we go about doing even good things, out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to set up another sect out of our carnal nature; above is the outcome; Jesus came to cause division among men that tries to become their own god and sets up camp, even for them that call themselves Christian, for them that have went from Him and His Words, even that are not of His Spirit: Jesus said; the Words that I speak are Spirit and Life, That means the Words of man can only bring forth death: Therefore; if we do not have His Spirit in us, then we too can only speak forth death: This is what it is to be a believer, we truly believe our Lord: I can see what the Catholic church and her daughters are doing to form a religious Babylonian city: Even as God caused a division in Babylon in the past because the peoples became great, so to is it now with all of the man made sects of religion: But when we are filled with the Spirit of God then we can not help but to live for God: It is written; those who are led by His spirit are His children: Thank - you Jeff: Those who are of His Spirit will know these truths, those who are not of His Spirit truly believe a believer is as they and can not know what we speak, because they live in unbelief: Thank - you again Jeff; In Jesus Name Alexandria: P.S..
So you can see how such a parinoid man could have made such predictions known to the empire and lead john while tripping on a path of preconceived thought... have you ever tripped out before — it happens like this, your thoughts at the time of the trip make your trip... if the year of prediction of the death of Domitian was 96 and the year john wrote it was 96... he could have been thinking of the prediciton made by the astro - dude seconds before enhaling the fumes that enduced the trip, afterall he was in a cave!
It was God himself who in the wonder of his love thus reached out in the sufferings and death of his Son to touch the hearts of men.
Those who were fortunate in seeing him during those eighteen months when he and death sat face to face — who dreaded their first visits and came out gladly inspired with a new faith in the nobility and courage to which rare men can attain — these know that the ugliness and cruelty of death were defeated.
The men on death row also reached out in love to their own families, in the process struggling heroically to deal with their overwhelming sense of shame.
He was a God man because nobody called him out, and the damage of not saying anything critical caused at least 3 deaths.
The sayings illustrated his teaching — the «Son of Man sayings» in particular explaining Jesus» own view of his death, and expressing the earliest attitude of the church to the death of Jesus: his death was no blind whim of fate but the voluntarily accepted will of God, and it had resulted in the working out of God's purpose for the salvation of many.
«2 «God kicked man out of the garden to his death, away from the tree of life.
-- Deuteronomy 22:20 «If a man is found lying with a married woman, then both of them shall die» — Deuteronomy 22:23 - 24 «If there is a girl who is a virgin engaged to a man, and another man finds her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and you shall stone them to death» — Exodus 21:17 «Anyone who says cruel things to his father or mother must be put to death» — Exodus 31:15 - 17 «Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death
None the less, if it should turn out that one can be a Christian without holding firmly to personal persistence beyond death, this is significant; and since, as I have just been saying, I think that such is indeed the case, I believe that nobody ought to require acceptance of some variety of personal persistence as a pre-requisite for a welcome into the Christian community which is grounded on that faith in God in Jesus Christ which the community exists to make available to men and women in every age.
His death, and the subsequent killings of unarmed black men and women at the hands of the police, have lifted the conversation on race out of black households and onto the national stage.
«All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that any man or woman who goes into the inner court to the king, who has not been called, he has but one law: put all to death, except the one to whom the king holds out the golden scepter, that he may live.
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