Sentences with phrase «mental health interventions into»

«The Connections to Care initiative will tap existing community organizations currently serving low - income residents to integrate evidence - based mental health interventions into their programming.»

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Aptly dubbed «Zero Suicide,» the planned initiative (still at its earliest and informal stages) emphasizes prevention over reactive mental health treatment, with interventions focused on at - risk individuals the moment they show signs of possibly lapsing into suicidal ideation.
«Local commissioners also need to put much more investment into preventative mental health care like early intervention services, which help recover from a first episode of mental illness.
Using Twitter as a window into a community's collective mental state may provide a useful tool in epidemiology and for measuring the effectiveness of public - health interventions.
«The challenge remains to translate existing and future knowledge into interventions to improve social relationships for the benefit of physical and mental health,» wrote Dunkel Schetter, of the University of California, Los Angeles.
«For example, we should tailor our intervention efforts by focusing on increasing the integration of mental health services into primary care,» Rego said.
The court ordered him into batterer intervention, sent him to the DV Dads group, and ordered a mental health assessment and professionally supervised visitation.
Are you a mental health professional wanting to enhance your supervision skills or incorporate play therapy interventions into your supervision experience?
The intervention is tailored to address the specific needs of each child and family and can be integrated into many service settings including public schools; the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program; home visiting; primary health care; and community mental health.
The importance of the experience of homophobia, as per the literature, as well as other trauma experiences, were highlighted in terms of their association with increased mental health risk and the need for interventions to take these into account
As a clinician or researcher in the field of mental health or addictions, this book will offer you powerful insight into how acceptance and mindfulness - based interventions are being successfully used to treat a variety of addictive behaviors, ranging from substance abuse to gambling addiction.
Florida MIECHV is also undertaking a collaborative effort with Early Steps, the state's early intervention program, to integrate infant mental health consultation into home visiting programs in three demonstration project areas.
The HERO Project is a strategy to join service providers and various programs (partners across LAUNCH, MIECHV, Head Start and Early Head Start, school districts, health care, and child care) into a seamless continuum of services and interventions aimed at improving overall outcomes for children — with mental health as the central focus.
Dr. Gueldner specializes in promoting wellness and resilience through social and emotional learning (SEL) program development and implementation, parent education and support, integrating mental health care into primary care and schools, and early detection and intervention with developmental, behavioral, social, and emotional problems.
This therapeutic intervention can be incorporated into the practice of any qualified licensed mental health professional.
There has been a considerable body of research into the effectiveness of interventions to promote / protect the mental health and well - being of children and their parents, both within and external to school settings (Adi et al., 2007a, b; Dretzke et al., 2009); there is also a small but growing number of studies looking at the economic case for taking action, albeit largely set in either a USA or UK context.
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