Sentences with phrase «mental operations»

Here I am using the term «mind» to mean the complex of mental operations involved in the constitution of an actual entity.
These techniques have allowed scientists to investigate mental operations in humans, such as reading or memory, and to link these to activity in particular regions of the brain.
In psychology research, response times may be used to discover which mental operations are more difficult than others, or to measure how uncertain people are about a decision.
At its simplest, the visual translation of three - dimensional reality onto a two - dimensional surface requires mental operations.
These verbs, referred to as academic vocabulary, signal the type of mental operations that students are expected to perform.
Secondly, I conclude that we should conceive mental operations as among the factors
We should conceive mental operations as among the factors which make up the constitution of nature.6
As Spelke sees it, these cognitive tools underlie all the more complex skills and knowledge we master as we grow up — spoken languages, number manipulation and other abstract mental operations.
When a student writes a left side of the equation while leaving its right side blank, he knows very well that this blankness is only in his mind and that the result which he will obtain by a series of successive mental operations is as definite as the expression given on the left side.
He considers it implausible to assume that a high - grade mental operation like inference is «required to get from the colored shape to the chair» (S 3).
This point becomes salient for those who would wish to convince us that there is a larger, deeper «reality» than could be produced by mere mental operations.
It lays down the principle that all sensitive experience originates mental operations» (PR 379)
Our own mental operations, to use Polanyi's terminology, dwell in and tacitly rely upon «subsidiary» biological and physico - chemical processes without in any way being reducible to, or explicable in terms of an analysis of, these subsidiaries.
A heuristic is a mental «shortcut» — an alternative to the use of a more effortful, and more intricate mental operation that might well exceed the time and capacity of most people to exercise in most circumstances.
The effect of the new method of philosophy instituted by Descartes and Locke was to make human mental operations and their contents the sole object of study, with the rest of nature the «unknown something» behind the veil of appearances.
«We think that greater variability in brain function in certain regions allows better processing of information, especially during highly demanding memory and reasoning tasks, which require someone to remember information, form associations, or perform abstract mental operations.
But it does start with a generalization of Locke's account of mental operations» (PR 29).
I have tried to show in various ways that the notion of subordinate persons introduces a necessary flexibility into our view of mental operations, without requiring any major revision of Whitehead's conceptual scheme.
Indeed, human thinking just is the interpretation and use of language, and no adequate account of our mental operations can ignore their linguistic base.
Although for some purposes the mental pole of the occasions can be ignored, Whitehead says that even the physical world can not be understood without reference to... the complex of mental operations» (PR 366).
The main point is that this process of transforming the many received data into one patch of green is a mental operation.
3 Or, to give another example, if neurological routines were disturbed, then the performance of mental operations would likewise be impeded.
And it is evident that mental operations, following principles logically irreducible to bio-chemistry, can impose an even higher order on physical and biological processes without disrupting the causal continuity of the latter.
Using non-invasive brain imaging, the researchers found that people at - risk for anxiety were less likely to develop the disorder if they had higher activity in a region of the brain responsible for complex mental operations.
So it matters to spend time on task and repetition until the mental operations become effortless (i.e. automatized).
107 «Deductive reasoning is a mental operation that a student, lawyer or judge must employ every working day.»
Pratte J. (Ryan J. and Kerr D.J. concurring) said (para. 5, F.C.J.) that «mental operations and processes» were not included in the definition of invention.
Social cognition refers to the mental operations underlying social relationships and includes the capacity to understand and attribute ourselves as well as others with feelings, thoughts, and beliefs (Smeets, Dziobek, & Wolf, 2009).
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