Sentences with phrase «mental recovery»

It takes the most accessible yoga postures to aid in physical recovery and the mindfulness of the practice to aid in mental recovery.
You should be focused on your own personal physical, emotional, and mental recovery after your accident.
Even if the scientific literature is mixed, a massage still feels great and can help with mental recovery, so what do you have to lose?
And let's not neglect mental recovery in the form of meditation and breath work — the body and mind needs time to repair, too.
Once I recognized mental recovery was a process of therapeutic progression, my emotions became lighter — even when sunny days appeared to be dark.
I could never have had such a successful emotional and mental recovery from what happened if it hadn't been for her.
Generally speaking, it's important to note and document all aspects of your physical and mental recovery after a car accident, as it's far easier to prove how these symptoms have affected your life due to no fault of your own.
An attitude of concentrating on the task at hand and looking ahead to the future, we thought, was bound to produce an inner liberation from the Holocaust and bring about our physical and mental recovery.
I have found it helpful in my physical and mental recovery to leave unscheduled the days I visit my specialist or go for a test.
With the parasympathetic nervous system, or the relaxation response, in charge, you'll have the opportunity for both physical and mental recovery.
This was key in not only my physical recovery... but my mental recovery.
Once I exited my closet, my mental recovery seemed conceivable, enriching my psyche to believe that re-claiming my quality of life was possible!
His recovery is going to be long, and it's going to be both a physical and a mental recovery, but our Behavior Team and Shelter Medicine Team are working together to ensure that Peanut overcomes his fears and becomes healthy once again.
To start, you need medical attention to ensure that you can make a proper physical and mental recovery.
As you recover from your injuries your primary focus should be on your own physical, emotional, and mental recovery.
The Injury Trial Lawyers know that the compensation you recover after an injury - causing accident can be incredibly important to your physical, emotional, and mental recovery.
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