Sentences with phrase «mentioned designing a book cover»

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Getting an editor and a great cover design are big steps in publishing that I am very vocal about authors seeking before publishing their work, and book formatting is another key I don't mention enough.
But book covers are a very particular kind of beast, and unless the author also happens to have extensive experience in design, layout, and typography, not to mention the elusive element that makes browsers pick up a book, isn't it to their advantage to work with a pro?
Thank you for the mention Ruth about my book cover designs.
Just like book cover design — if you try to do it all from scratch, by yourself, and it's your first try, it's going to look like crap (not to mention take weeks of hair - pulling).
As you've mentioned in your books and other posts, Jim, number one is to produce a quality product (get it edited by a professional independent editor, and get a professional cover designed.)
Coralie Bickford - Smith was one of the first book designers I mentioned on The Casual Optimist and her distinctive cover designs have featured regularly ever since.
In the intro, I mention the news that Amazon Giveaways are now available for ebooks, and an article on Written Word Media that shows authors who earn over $ 5000 per month have written 13.75 books, use professionally designed book covers and pro editors, write in popular genres, and use free as a promotional technique.
Joanna: You mentioned big stuff like cover design and editing, but you probably do things like price promotions, and price promotions on that many books, do you run everything on spreadsheets?
Joe Conlan, the author of famous book Nameless, shared his viewpoint on this and mentioned that he made sure that his book cover design reflects the dark nature of the story.
There is a science to designing a book cover, not to mention the layout and formatting distribution requirements necessary to be listed at Amazon and other online retailers.
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