Sentences with phrase «menu of options»

That's given borrowers a full menu of options for financing property acquisition or development and helped make 1998 and 1999 great years for commercial practitioners.
Tap this to bring up the full menu of options on offer.
A full menu of options and their corresponding prices can be found here.
The camera interface is pretty simple; there are no long menus of options to sift through, just the basics.
The truth is, we do best in choosing between a limited menu of options.
In fact, many authors are overwhelmed with the seemingly endless menu of options for publishing.
As it turns out, there's rather a large menu of options to choose from.
Duffy listed what he called a «menu of options available», that could achieve the $ 1.5 billion dollars in savings sought «without impacting kids».
Kevin Dillon, chief executive of the Connecticut Airport Authority, said: «We are pleased to be adding the Escape Lounge to our growing menu of options at Bradley International Airport.
Atchison creates projects in QuickBooks then synchronizes with Minute7 so that when employees use the program, they just have to choose from a drop - down menu of options, eliminating errors that might result from having to type in project names.
Drawing attention to proposals for privatizing Social Security accounts for America's workers, health insurance for seniors and school choice for children, Schwartz questioned the wisdom of «throwing an ever - greater menu of options at the American people.»
The independent McKay Commission, established by the coalition government (reporting in 2013), put forward a much weaker menu of options, all of which would have allowed English MPs to be overruled by a UK - wide majority.
The Department of Taxation and Finance released a report providing an exhaustive menu of options for a potential statewide payroll tax in New York, but it may be a month before Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration can settle on a preferred plan.
As a result, it's easy to approach yoga therapy as if it is yet another, albeit more comprehensive, treatment modality to be added to the medical menu of options.
The benefits of mastering particular domains of history, engaging with specific texts chosen by teachers from a rich menu of options, and undertaking a systematic study of not only math and science, but also geography, religion, and philosophy, would be substantial.
The chair of the Indiana Senate's Education Committee calls it «the smorgasbord menu of options for school reorganization.»
As opposed to ramping up funding, he believes the federal initiative should be prioritized to «ensure a robust menu of options from which students and their families are able to choose.»
«Retailers really need to feed that hunger, or offer a really tasty menu of options to feed that hunger because it's win - win for them.»
It's not only selling competitively priced power, but offers a vast menu of options thanks to the 4.2 GW base of renewables assets it owns or manages in North America — a fleet with unparalleled technological diversity, spanning wind, PV, solar thermal and geothermal.
Whether it's in the source of our electricity or the source of our calories, a more diversified menu of options is the way forward to a robust post-carbon economy.
It seems likely, therefore, that the coming months will see debate as to whether the existing judicial toolkit is being used appropriately to facilitate the right behaviours and if there is a need for procedural reform to expand case management rules further to provide a broader menu of options to apply depending on the circumstances of the individual case.
Term life insurance polices are the simplest, most popular, and the most often purchased, but; in the life insurance menu of options it's not the only choice.
It's the little things that make all the difference and being able to long - press the top left button to access a quick menu of options, such as switching the backlight on, locking all the buttons (anyone who's ever got to mile 23 of a marathon and realized their watch has stopped thanks to an accidental button tap will tell you how important this is) and sticking your watch in flight mode is a great touch.
Choose the device that you want to switch to Follow - Up Mode, which will open a new menu of options.
The venture will help the insurer «offer a wider menu of options for our borrowers and leverage the strengths of both firms,» Margie Custis, a managing director for Des Moines, Iowa - based Principal's real estate arm, said in the statement.
Outside resort gates, a wonderland awaits: Mayan ruins, jungles, rainforests, wildlife, marine activities and quaint villages filled with friendly people, so if your idea of a honeymoon includes adventures, say the word and make a list of the things you want to see from the resort's long menu of options.
Information about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube accounts are included in the drop - down menu of options.
Under the agreement, teachers and administrators will have to choose from a limited menu of options of how they can interpret those test scores for the second 20 % of a teacher's grade.
From the maximum Dodge Challenger SRT8, to the performance of the Challenger R / T with its 5.7 - liter HEMI V - 8, to the cutting - edge technology of Challenger SE with the efficient 3.5 - liter V - 6 engine, the 2009 Dodge Challenger offered a full menu of options for every customer.
I called the number and started going through a menu of options and was actually transferred to a call center where a man began discussing my «case file» so he could help me avoid a lien being placed on my assets.
By having an in - depth conversation with prospects about what they're trying to achieve and really listening to their goals, you can set value - based prices that are higher for you and also deliver more for the client, ideally, offering clients a menu of options to help them reach their objectives.
DOC spokeswoman Eve Kessler, however, told Business Insider that some of the tools used in the training «have not been introduced to the jails, but are under consideration as part of a menu of options
Virtual phone systems such as Grasshopper or RingCentral Professional can answer an incoming call on the 2nd or 3rd ring and welcome the caller with a customized greeting and furnish them with a menu of options in the form of a list extensions or departments.
«I can't imagine anyone who does organ donation talking like this — as if there was a menu of options,» said Beckwith.
Every Friday morning, you'll now wake to a menu of options for the week ahead, including 5 dinners and 2 extra dishes that can be sides, desserts, or drinks.
Here's a menu of options on how to move past business - as - usual to a more efficient approach.
The Oklahoma State offense often worked in a «pro-style» fashion, in that Rudolph would approach the line of scrimmage with a menu of options, based on the look the defense was giving.
Can there really be an explosion of choices in a realm with no costs, where the menu of options is in your mind, not on the shelves?
With this approach, mothers are given a menu of options prior to their caesarean, which includes lowering the drape so that the mother can see her baby being born, optimal cord clamping, immediate skin - to - skin and baby checks done while in skin - to - skin contact.
In short, the «nuclear football» that is near him 24/7 has (among other things) a menu of options including targeting lists and authentication codes, and connects him directly to the National Military Command Center (NMCC).
Cuomo indicated a menu of options — contained in a 37 - page Tax and Finance - released report this week — remain on the table.
All together, the proposals were a series of somewhat complicated permutations — a menu of options — for taking up state tax reform through a payroll tax adoption and potentially sidestepping the federal cap on deductions.
De Blasio's bill would give developers a «menu of options,» tailored to struggling, middle and strong markets.
«A robust 421 - a program is one element in a menu of options that will be needed to make Mayor de Blasio's affordable housing plan a reality,» Steven Spinola, the group's outgoing president, tells us an email. asked Mr Geithner whether he feared some countries would not stomach the bold reforms available from what chancellor Alistair Darling had earlier described as a «menu of options».
Is the idea to have a referendum with a menu of options, e.g., FPTP, AV, AV plus, some form of PR?
«The administration has made it clear that their ambitious affordable housing program will include a menu of options that will encourage new development on a neighborhood by neighborhood basis, recognizing the economics of different parts of the city will vary by location,» Mr. Spinola said.
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